Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Three stage maturity model in SME's towards Industry 4.0
(Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2016)
Purpose: To address the challenges regarding the concept of Industry 4.0 and the diversification methodology and based on the strategic guidance towards Industry 4.0, we propose a process model as a guiding framework for ...
Analysis of technological architectures for the new paradigm of the industry 4.0Análisis de arquitecturas tecnológicas para el nuevo paradigma de la industria 4.0
(DYNA Publishing, 2019)
The present work defines an interoperable and scalable architecture that will allow the servitization of the machine tool sector. ICT and the Internet of Things make possible to interconnect different devices and controllers, ...
Industrial Design of Electric Machines Supported with Knowledge-Based Engineering Systems
(MDPI, 2021)
The demand for electric machines has increased in the last decade, mainly due to applications that try to make a full transition from fuel to electricity. These applications encounter the need for tailor-made electric ...
Human‑centred design in industry 4.0: case study review and opportunities for future research
(Springer, 2021)
The transition to industry 4.0 has impacted factories, but it also afects the entire value chain. In this sense, human-centred factors play a core role in transitioning to sustainable manufacturing processes and consumption. ...
Adaptable and Explainable Predictive Maintenance: Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis in Press Machine Data
(MDPI, 2021)
Predictive maintenance (PdM) has the potential to reduce industrial costs by anticipating failures and extending the work life of components. Nowadays, factories are monitoring their assets and most collected data belong ...
Aproximación multimétodo para medir el impacto de los factores de diseño en la apropiación de un software de inteligencia competitivaMultimethod approach to measure the design factor impact on the appropriation of a competitive intelligence interface
(Dyna, 2020)
La industria 4.0 y una vida laboral en continua transmutación, plantean preguntas acerca de cuáles serán las competencias que requerirán las personas para la correcta apropiación tecnológica y la mejora del desempeño. Este ...
PLC orchestration automation to enhance human-machine integration in adaptive manufacturing systems
(Elsevier, 2023)
Current approaches to manufacturing must evolve to respond to increasing demands for short product life cycles and customised products. Adaptive manufacturing systems integrate advanced technologies, automation, and ...
Nuevas metodologías centradas en el usuario para la creación de software en la industria 4.0New user centered methodologies for software development in the industry 4.0 era
(Dyna, 2017)
La cuarta revolución industrial o más conocida como la industria 4.0 ha supuesto una gran transformación en el ámbito de la máquina herramienta. Mediante los sistemas ciber-físicos se logra conectar todos los objetos de ...
Metodología UCAD: nuevo procedimiento de diseño de interfaces centrado en el usuario para la industria 4.0
(Dyna, 2017)
La nueva industria inteligente trae consigo una gran transformación y ofrece nuevas oportunidades y posibilidades de mejora para la industria manufacturera. De modo que se han creado nuevos sistemas ciber-físicos de ...
Service design for digital servitization: Facilitating manufacturers' advanced services value proposition design in the context of Industry 4.0
(Elsevier, 2023)
Industry 4.0 provides increasing opportunities for manufacturing companies in servitization, which has led to the emergence of digital servitization. Several single case studies have suggested service design as a means to ...