Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Digital twin development for the sensitivity analysis of near solidus forming process
(Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023)
Near Solidus Forming (NSF) process, performed at semi-solid material state is gaining popularity due to its good physical properties, low manufacturing cost and material waste. Although the process possesses many advantages ...
Magnet eddy current loss calculation method for segmentation analysis on permanent magnet machines
(IEEE, 2011)
Eddy current losses generated in the rotor of permanent magnet machines may lead to an excessive magnet heating. This can cause the magnets to get fully demagnetized so it is very important to analyze the losses on them. ...
Combining experimental and FEM approaches to determine the influence of workpiece temperature on fundamental variables in the machining process
(Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024)
In machining it is common practice to use lubricants to enhance machinability, resulting in improved part quality and reduced tool wear. However, emerging efforts are centered on mitigating the environmental impact of ...
Model Predictive Control for EV Chargers Coupling Electro-Thermal and Degradation Battery Models
(IEEE, 2023)
This paper presents an energy management algorithm for an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station equipped with solar energy generation and local battery-based storage. For this purpose, a practical electric, thermal, and ...
Exploring a Methodological Approach to Assessing the Potential Impact of the Implementation of Circular Economy Strategies on Regional Economies Through Environmentally Extended Input-Output Tables
(DIIM, FTS, University of Novi Sad, 2023)
This article is part of a research stream that aims to evaluate the impact of circular economy policies on greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and the industrial structure of specific regions. Building upon previous ...
Reliability simulation of a multi-state Wind Turbine Generator using SHyFTOO
(CalTek, 2022)
Accurate reliability analysis modelling requires appropriate stochastic formalisms, which can capture the relevant operation and degradation characteristics of the system under analysis. Physical, working and environmental ...
Impact of Non-Uniform Flux Density on Core Losses: A Case Study on Standard Core Geometries
(IEEE, 2024)
The non-uniform flux density distribution inside magnetic cores leads to increased overall losses when compared to the commonly used uniform flux density assumption. This effect is amplified if rectangular based core shapes ...
Comparison of impedance spectroscopy and partial discharge analysis as insulation health diagnosis techniques
(IEEE, 2024)
The ageing of insulation systems in electric machines can compromise partial discharge-free designs. Regularly monitoring insulation health is crucial to prevent unexpected failures. Several authors have proposed health ...
Alternative Approach Based on Bézier Curves to Model Core Losses With the Composite iGSE Method
(IEEE, 2024)
This work addresses limitations of the composite improved generalized Steinmetz equation for core loss calculation and presents a more robust definition of the losses. First, the limitations due to extrapolation of the ...
Intuitive Degradation Mode Estimation Tool: ModEst
(IEEE, 2024)
Battery ageing is one of the main concerns in most battery applications. To reduce this degradation rate, it is key to understand how batteries age. However, the diagnosis of battery ageing is very challenging due to the ...