Now showing items 1-10 of 10
PEM motako erregai-pilen zenbakizko analisia eta balioztatze esperimentala
(Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2023)
Gaur egungo aldaketa klimatikoa dela medio, energia elektrikoa lortzeko alternatiba berri ugari sortzen ari dira. Horien artean erregai-pilek abantaila suposatzen dute hainbat esparrutan. Ikerketa honetan gaur egun garapen ...
The importance of a human-centered approach in public participation to develop citizen-oriented smart neighborhoodsLa importancia del enfoque centrado en las personas en la participación ciudadana para desarrollar barrios inteligentes orientados a la ciudadanía
(AEIPRO, 2023)
In order to be truly citizen-oriented, a smart city must be constantly looking for ways to meet the needs of its citizens, highlighting their value as urban solution developers. In order to truly meet the needs of citizens, ...
Automation across interconnected smart homes
(ACM, 2024)
This paper presents an affordable, open-source approach to enable interconnected smart homes, with emphasis on facilitating new modes of ambient interaction to address loneliness. Our system is designed to minimize dependence ...
Model Predictive Control for EV Chargers Coupling Electro-Thermal and Degradation Battery Models
(IEEE, 2023)
This paper presents an energy management algorithm for an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station equipped with solar energy generation and local battery-based storage. For this purpose, a practical electric, thermal, and ...
Edge-Cloud Based EMS for Distributed ESS Integration in Smart Grids
(IEEE, 2024)
The ongoing energy transition is driving the transformation of the traditional centralized electric system into a decentralized one, integrating distributed energy resources (DERs) along the grid. This paper presents a ...
An Optimal Power-Splitting Strategy for Hybrid Storage Systems
(IEEE, 2024)
The wide deployment of inverter-based resources is changing the grid characteristics and demanding rapid changes in the control and operation of power grids. Storage is becoming a key component of this transition, as it ...
Comparison of impedance spectroscopy and partial discharge analysis as insulation health diagnosis techniques
(IEEE, 2024)
The ageing of insulation systems in electric machines can compromise partial discharge-free designs. Regularly monitoring insulation health is crucial to prevent unexpected failures. Several authors have proposed health ...
Experimental-Based model for Turn-to-Turn PDIV Prediction Dependent on Temperature
(IEEE, 2024)
Turn-to-turn insulation partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV) plays a crucial role in the design of the insulation system of inverter-fed motors for the automotive sector. This paper presents a turn-to-turn PDIV ...
Analysis of Multiphase Permanent Magnet Motors via Space-Harmonic Model
(IEEE, 2024)
Multiphase permanent magnet motors are gaining popularity thanks to their advantages, which include reduced torque ripple, enhanced torque capability, and fault tolerance. However, their modelling and control is more ...
Beroa berreskuratzeko sistema berritzaile baten garapena
(Tecnalia, 2021)
Lan honen helburua energia intentsiboko industria prozesuetatik datozen tenperatura baxuko eta ertaineko erregaien gasetatik energia berreskuratzea da. Helburu horrekin diseinatu den soluzioak Rankineren Ziklo Organiko ...