Now showing items 281-290 of 391
Hidrogeno tren baten diseinu eta operazioaren optimizazioa
(UEU, 2021)
This paper proposes an optimization methodology based on genetic algorithms for the design and operation of a hydrogen train. Indeed, the proposed approach optimizes the size of the hydrogen fuel cell, the size of the ...
Emakumearen mututasun soziala: feminitatearen eta maskulinitatearen estereotipoak
(UEU, 2017)
Most of the main gender stereotypes that nowadays are still alive can already be discovered in Ancient Greece society. In this paper we will analyze Greek symbolic though using genderperspective. We want to unveil the ...
SiC erdieroaleak energia eolikoan LCoEa hobetzeko
(UEU, 2021)
This research identifies the wind energy as the main renewable source. In order to improve its LCoE, SiC semiconductors are proposed, together with different voltage levels and topologies. After analyzing various configurations, ...
Interferentzia elektromagnetikoaren azterketa potentzia-elektronikako sistemetan Si-WBG trantsizio teknologikoaren testuinguruan
(UEU, 2021)
This research project has analysed the effect of electromagnetic interference (EMI) on power electronics systems, as well as the effect of the transition from silicon-based devices to WBG-based devices. The main goal has ...
Elementu pasiboen eragina frekuentzia altuko bihurgailuetan
(UEU, 2021)
Notable technological advancements in power electronics have been made in the last years, such as SiC and GaN based transistors. Still, power converters based on these technologies cannot be fully exploited due to passive ...
Zeharkako ebaketa prozesuaren parametroen eragina erresistentzia handiko altzairuzko xafla lodietan
(UEU, 2021)
Transversal cutting processes are usually employed for metal coil cutting or precut reduction operations. The final result of a cutting operation, in terms of sheared edge quality and process forces, is dependent on the ...
Potentzia prozesamendu partzialean oinarritutako bihurgailuak
(UEU, 2021)
In recent years, many research lines have made efforts to improve the performance of power converters. In this context, literature proposes strategies based on partial power processing, in which the power to be processed ...
Model driven Hardware-in-the-Loop Fault analysis of railway traction systems
(IEEE, 2017)
Classical Dependability Analysis techniques, such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis, have been used during the last decades to demonstrate the reliability, availability, maintainability ...
An Interoperable EMS for the Provision of Grid Services with Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
(IEEE, 2022)
This paper proposes an interoperable energy management system (EMS) for grid-connected HESSs, enabling the provision of ancillary services to the grid. Power systems are evolving towards a more renewable and decentralised ...
Automatic detection test of current sensor faults for induction motor drives at standstill
(IEEE, 2016)
This paper proposes an automatic detection test of gain faults in current sensors. An offline test is applied when the machine is not operating. The designed test operates at standstill without being necessary to disconnect ...