Ikusi/ Ireki
Cost-effectiveness and budget impact analyses of a colorectal cancer screening programme in a high adenoma prevalence scenario using MISCAN-Colon microsimulation modelEgilea
Egilea (beste erakunde batekoa)
Bertsio argitaratua
© 2018 by the authorsSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.1186/s12885-018-4362-1Non argitaratua
BMC Cancer Vol. 18. Nº 464. Published 25 April, 2018Argitaratzailea
BMC BioMed Central Ltd (Part of Springer Nature)Gako-hitzak
Colorectal CancerMass screening
Cost-effectiveness analysis
Budget impact analysis
This economic evaluation showed a screening intervention with a major health gain that also produced net savings when a long follow-up was used to capture the late economic benefit. The number of colo ... [+]
This economic evaluation showed a screening intervention with a major health gain that also produced net savings when a long follow-up was used to capture the late economic benefit. The number of colonoscopies required was high but remain within the capacity of the Basque Health Service. So far in Europe, no other population Colorectal Cancer screening programme has been evaluated by budget impact analysis. [-]
Gobierno Vasco. Departamento de SaludProjectu ID
(file number 201311115)Bildumak
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