Now showing items 11-20 of 33
Generating metamorphic relations for cyber-physical systems with genetic programming: an industrial case study
(ACM, 2021)
One of the major challenges in the verification of complex industrial Cyber-Physical Systems is the difficulty of determining whether a particular system output or behaviour is correct or not, the socalled test oracle ...
Increasing dependability in Safety Critical CPSs using Reflective Statecharts
(Springer, 2017)
Dependability is crucial in Safety Critical Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). In spite of the research carried out in recent years, implementation and certification of such systems remain costly and time consuming. In this ...
Automating Test Oracle Generation in DevOps for Industrial Elevators
(IEEE, 2022)
Orona is a world-renowned elevators developer. During elevators' lives, their software continues to evolve, e.g., due to hardware obsolescence, requirements changes, vulnerabilities, and bug corrections. Such continuous ...
Some Seeds are Strong : Seeding Strategies for Search-based Test Case Selection
(ACM, 2022)
The time it takes software systems to be tested is usually long. Search-based test selection has been a widely investigated technique to optimize the testing process. In this paper, we propose a set of seeding strategies ...
A general approach to Software Product Line testing
(Sistedes: Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software, 2019)
Variability is a central concept in Software Product Lines (SPLs). It has been extensively studied how the SPL paradigm can improve both the efficiency of a company and the quality of products. Nevertheless, this brings ...
Using Machine Learning to Build Test Oracles: an Industrial Case Study on Elevators Dispatching Algorithms
(IEEE, 2021)
The software of elevators requires maintenance over several years to deal with new functionality, correction of bugs or legislation changes. To automatically validate this software, test oracles are necessary. A typical ...
Microservices for Continuous Deployment, Monitoring and Validation in Cyber-Physical Systems: an Industrial Case Study for Elevators Systems
(IEEE, 2021)
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are systems that integrate digital cyber computations with physical processes. The software embedded in CPSs has a long life-cycle, requiring constant evolution to support new requirements, ...
Delta Rhapsody
Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) has become the pre-eminent paradigm used to improve the development of complex systems. Additionally, Delta Modelling provides an incremental approach to the design and maintenance of ...
CRESCO Framework and Checker: Automatic Generation of Reflective UML State Machine's C++ Code and Checker
(IEEE, 2020)
Software Systems are becoming increasingly complex leading to new Validation & Verification challenges. Model checking and testing techniques are used at development time while runtime verification aims to verify that a ...
Evaluating embedded relational databases for large model persistence and query
(Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2016)
Large models are increasingly used in Model Driven Development. Different studies have proved that XMI (default persistence in Eclipse Modelling Framework) has some limitations when operating with large models. To overcome ...