Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Review of Architectures Based on Partial Power Processing for DC-DC Applications
(IEEE, 2020)
This paper presents a review of advanced architectures based on the partial power processing concept, whose main objective is to achieve a reduction of the power processed by the converter. If the power processed by the ...
Partial Power Processing Based Converter for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations
(MDPI, 2021)
This paper focuses on the design of a charging unit for an electric vehicle fast charging station. With this purpose, in first place, different solutions that exist for fast charging stations are described through a brief ...
Resonant Dual Active Bridge Partial Power Converter for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations
(IEEE, 2021)
This paper presents an analysis and design of a DC-DC charging unit for an electric vehicle fast charging station. Due to the benefits that partial power processing achieves in terms of size reduction and efficiency ...
Demystifying Non-Isolated DC–DC Topologies on Partial Power Processing Architectures
(MDPI, 2022)
This paper discusses the possibility of achieving partial power processing with non-isolated DC–DC topologies. To this end, partial power converter architectures are seen as an interesting solution for reducing the power ...
Partial Power Processing Based Charging Unit for Electric Vehicle Extreme Fast Charging Stations
(IEEE, 2020)
This paper presents an analysis and design of a charging unit inside an electric vehicle extreme fast charging station. Due to the benefits that partial power processing achieves in terms of size reduction and efficiency ...
Elementu pasiboen eragina frekuentzia altuko bihurgailuetan
(UEU, 2021)
Notable technological advancements in power electronics have been made in the last years, such as SiC and GaN based transistors. Still, power converters based on these technologies cannot be fully exploited due to passive ...
Potentzia prozesamendu partzialean oinarritutako bihurgailuak
(UEU, 2021)
In recent years, many research lines have made efforts to improve the performance of power converters. In this context, literature proposes strategies based on partial power processing, in which the power to be processed ...
Single Core and Modular Transformer Solutions: a Trade-Off Analysis of Volume, Losses and Temperature Rise
(IEEE, 2022)
In this paper, a comparison between single core and modular transformer solutions is made. Basic dimensional relations between volumes, areas and lengths are used to obtain mathematical expression of the power losses and ...
The composite improved generalized steinmetz equation (ciGSE): an accurate model combining the composite waveform hypothesis with classical approaches
(IEEE, 2024)
Predicting core losses is a difficult task for designing magnetic components. Under triangular current waveforms the classical approaches work with duty cycles close to 0.5 but are inaccurate for high and low duty cycles. ...
Analytical, FEM and Experimental Study of the Influence of the Airgap Size in Different Types of Ferrite Cores
(IEEE, 2022)
This work reviews and compares different airgap reluctance calculation approaches with experimental results, focusing on the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation. The modelling of the airgap reluctance in two dimensions is ...