Now showing items 1-9 of 9
New approaches to integrating emotional aspects in the euristic evaluation of digital solutionsNuevos planteamientos para integrar aspectos emocionales en la evaluación heurística de las soluciones digitales
(AEIPRO, 2018)
The appearance of new technologies such as Eye-tracking are enabling to collect human-computer interaction related data that until now was unknown. There are alternatives with a larger baggage in the field ...
The influence of adapted interactive environments in current industrial interfaces aceptanceLa influencia de los entornos interactivos adaptados en la aceptación de interface industriales actuales
(AEIPRO, 2018)
User experience is a growing field of research, which in recent years has gained considerable interest. During the last two decades, various models have been proposed to understand why users accept technologies ...
Case Study of the Experience Capturer Evaluation Tool in the Design Process of an Industrial HMI
(MDPI AG, 2020)
In the absence of user experience evaluation tools for industrial human–machine interfaces (HMI), a specific tool called eXperience Capturer (XC) has been created. It is a multi-method user-centred tool that evaluates the ...
Demox: nuevo modelo de trabajo de diseño y evaluación de la UX en interfaces industriales
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2020)
The arrival of the new era of Industry 4.0 at the beginning of the 2010 decade has significantly changed the landscape of industrial reality. This new paradigm includes new technologies such as cyberphysical systems, the ...
La evaluación de la ejecución de tareas por parte de los usuarios en interfaces industriales mediante el cuestionario USEUser evaluation of task execution at industrial interfaces using the USE questionnaire
(AEIPRO, 2019)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are widely used in organizations and their use has many favourable consequences, fostering interaction and collaboration, workplace learning, job performance and productivity. ...
EIEH: Industriako interakzio digitalak diseinatzeko erraminta berria
(UEU, 2017)
In recent years, due to the socio-economic development, the wishes of the society have been changing. Nowadays, instead of material goods, the society is looking for emotional and social goods. As a consequence, the market ...
Metodología UCAD: Principios para garantizar el desarrollo de soluciones digitales que tienen en cuenta a los usuarios
(AEIPRO, 2017)
The so-called Industry 4.0 has caused the introduction of new digital technologies that increase and improve the production and potential of the new intelligent industry. For that, it’s necessary a good communication between ...
Nuevas metodologías centradas en el usuario para la creación de software en la industria 4.0New user centered methodologies for software development in the industry 4.0 era
(Dyna, 2017)
La cuarta revolución industrial o más conocida como la industria 4.0 ha supuesto una gran transformación en el ámbito de la máquina herramienta. Mediante los sistemas ciber-físicos se logra conectar todos los objetos de ...
Metodología UCAD: nuevo procedimiento de diseño de interfaces centrado en el usuario para la industria 4.0
(Dyna, 2017)
La nueva industria inteligente trae consigo una gran transformación y ofrece nuevas oportunidades y posibilidades de mejora para la industria manufacturera. De modo que se han creado nuevos sistemas ciber-físicos de ...