Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Simulation-based testing of highly configurable cyber-physical systems: automation, optimization and debugging
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2017)
Sistema Ziber-Fisikoek sistema ziber digitalak sistema fisikoekin uztartzen dituzte. Sistema hauen aldakortasuna handitzen ari da erabiltzaileen hainbat behar betetzeko. Ondorioz, sistema ziber-fisikoa aldakorrak edota ...
Spectrum-based fault localization in software product lines
(Elsevier B. V., 2018)
Software Product Line (SPL) testing is challenging mainly due to the potentially huge number of
products under test. Most of the research on this field focuses on making testing affordable by selecting ...
QoS-aware Metamorphic Testing: An Elevation Case Study
(IEEE, 2020)
Elevators are among the oldest and most widespread transportation systems, yet their complexity increases rapidly to satisfy customization demands and to meet quality of service requirements. Verification and validation ...
Towards a Taxonomy for Eliciting Design-Operation Continuum Requirements of Cyber-Physical Systems
(IEEE, 2020)
Software systems that are embedded in autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) usually have a large life-cycle, both during its development and in maintenance. This software evolves during its life-cycle in order to ...
Seeding Strategies for Multi-Objective Test Case Selection: An Application on Simulation-based Testing
(ACM, 2020)
The time it takes software systems to be tested is usually long. This is often caused by the time it takes the entire test suite to be executed. To optimize this, regression test selection approaches have allowed for ...
Model-Based Testing in Practice: An Industrial Case Study using GraphWalker
(ACM, 2021)
Model-based testing (MBT) is a test design technique that supports the automation of software testing processes and generates test artefacts based on a system model representing behavioural aspects of the system under test ...
Generating metamorphic relations for cyber-physical systems with genetic programming: an industrial case study
(ACM, 2021)
One of the major challenges in the verification of complex industrial Cyber-Physical Systems is the difficulty of determining whether a particular system output or behaviour is correct or not, the socalled test oracle ...
Uncertainty-aware Robustness Assessment of Industrial Elevator Systems
(ACM, 2022)
Industrial elevator systems are commonly used software systems in our daily lives, which operate in uncertain environments such as unpredictable passenger traffic, uncertain passenger attributes and behaviors, and hardware ...
Some Seeds are Strong : Seeding Strategies for Search-based Test Case Selection
(ACM, 2022)
The time it takes software systems to be tested is usually long. Search-based test selection has been a widely investigated technique to optimize the testing process. In this paper, we propose a set of seeding strategies ...
Towards the Isolation of Failure-Inducing Inputs in Cyber-Physical Systems: is Delta Debugging Enough?
(IEEE, 2022)
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) combine digital cyber technologies with parallel physical processes. On the one hand, verification methods of such systems mostly rely on (system level) simulation-based testing. This technique ...