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Effect of liner thermal properties and liner pre-cooling on the thermal management of fast-filling of hydrogen tanks
(Elsevier, 2024)In transportation applications, filling high pressurised hydrogen tanks within a few minutes implies a fast and large temperature increase that can compromise the structural integrity of the storage system and the safety ... -
Clustered federated learning architecture for network anomaly detection in large scale heterogeneous IoT networks
(Elsevier, 2023)There is a growing trend of cyberattacks against Internet of Things (IoT) devices; moreover, the sophistication and motivation of those attacks is increasing. The vast scale of IoT, diverse hardware and software, and being ... -
DFA-LC: metodología de diseño para el montaje considerando el ciclo de vida del producto
(AEIPRO, 2019)Las metodologías Design for Assembly (DFA) ayudan al diseñador a tener en cuenta el proceso de montaje durante las fases de desarrollo de un producto (especificaciones, diseño conceptual y diseño en detalle), de esta forma ... -
BEAUD: A Browser Extension to Automatize End-User Deeds
(Elsevier, 2023)Web Augmentation allows anyone, computer-literate or not, to adapt the content, style or behavior of any web page. Searching for information is not always an undemanding task. The information searches carried out by users ... -
Predicting the effect of voids generated during RTM on the low-velocity impact behaviour by machine learning-based surrogate models
(Elsevier, 2023)The main objective of the present paper is to demonstrate the feasibility of machine-learning-based surrogate models for predicting low-velocity impact behaviour considering void content and location generated during the ... -
A comprehensive experimental investigation of the rate-dependent interlaminar delamination behaviour of CFRP composites
(Elsevier, 2023)The paper presents a systematic experimental study of the interlaminar delamination behaviour of a carbon composite subjected to Mode I, Mode II and Mixed-mode delamination at both quasi-static (QS) and high-rate (HR) ... -
Lithium-ion Capacitor Safety Assessment under Electrical Abuse Tests based on Ultrasound Characterization and Cell Opening
(Elsevier, 2019)Safety issues related to lithium-ion batteries are a driving force in the search for new energy storage systems. Lithium-ion capacitors are becoming recognised as promising devices to address the question of safety. These ... -
Advanced direct extrusion process with real-time controllable extrusion parameters for microstructure optimization of magnesium alloys
(Springer, 2023)The extrusion speed and deformation temperature are important factors affecting the microstructure development during the deformation. Microstructure development plays a crucial role in the performance of the mechanical ... -
When Memory Corruption Met Concurrency: Vulnerabilities in Concurrent Programs
(IEEE, 2023)Concurrent programs are widespread in modern systems. They make better use of processor resources but inevitably introduce a new set of problems in terms of reliability and security. Concurrency bugs usually lead to program ... -
Generación virtual de la geometría 3D de acoplamientos dentados abombados
(2021)Los modelos analíticos, y cada vez más los numéricos, son herramientas utilizadas para el diseño y dimensionamiento tanto de engranajes como de acoplamientos dentados. Los resultados obtenidos, dependen de la exactitud de ... -
Predicting Hospital Ward Admission from the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review
(MDPI, 2023)Background: The emergency department (ED) is often overburdened, due to the high influx of patients and limited availability of attending physicians. This situation highlights the need for improvement in the management of, ... -
Physico-chemical parameter measurement and model response evaluation for a pseudo-two-dimensional model of a commercial lithium-ion battery
(Elsevier, 2021)To effectively evaluate battery performance by means of electrochemical modelling, a consistent set of parameters is essential. The aim of this work is to provide a complete physico-chemical methodology to measure all the ... -
Unraveling the Technology behind the Frontrunner LIC ULTIMO to Serve as a Guideline for Optimum Lithium-Ion Capacitor Design, Assembly, and Characterization
(Wiley, 2021)The fast growth experienced by the field of lithium-ion capacitors (LICs) in the last five years led to tremendous progress in this technology. However, the authors have observed some parallelism with its ultracapacitor ... -
An analysis of the Mondragon case's competitiveness from a systemic perspective
(OmniaScience, 2023)Purpose: In this paper, the authors analyse some of the aspects that contribute to the better performance of Mondragon Corporation compared to other cooperatives and to the rest of the companies in the Basque Country from ... -
Digital Twins: building your own virtual lab for enhanced vocational education training
(Tknika, 2023)The emergence, in the context of Industry 4.0, of tools for developing Digital Twins of automated industrial systems brings about a paradigm shift in the development of control systems. Their virtual commissioning allows ... -
Techno-economic assessment of far-offshore hydrogen-carrying energy vectors off the Iberian Peninsula
(Elsevier, 2024)Green hydrogen (H2) generation in far-offshore locations is being proposed as an alternative for the decarbonisation of the current fossil fuel-based energy system. However, due to the limited experience and low level of ... -
Comparative assessment of synthetic time series generation approaches in healthcare: leveraging patient metadata for accurate data synthesis
(Springer Nature, 2024)Background Synthetic data is an emerging approach for addressing legal and regulatory concerns in biomedical research that deals with personal and clinical data, whether as a single tool or through its combination with ... -
Local gradient analysis of human brain function using the Vogt-Bailey Index
(Springer, 2024)In this work, we take a closer look at the Vogt-Bailey (VB) index, proposed in Bajada et al. (NeuroImage 221:117140, 2020) as a tool for studying local functional homogeneity in the human cortex. We interpret the VB index ... -
Machine learning model of acoustic signatures: Towards digitalised thermal spray manufacturing
(Elsevier, 2024)Thermal spraying, an important industrial surface manufacturing process in sectors such as aerospace, energy and biomedical, remains a skill intensive process often involving multiple trial runs impacting the yield. The ... -
Development and Comparison of Rule- and Machine Learning-Based EMS for HESS Providing Grid Services
(IEEE, 2024)In this paper, a smart machine-learning-based energy management system (MLBEMS) is developed for a hybrid energy storage system (HESS). This HBESS consists of batteries with high-energy (HE) and high-power (HP) characteristics, ...