eBiltegia: Recent submissions
Now showing items 501-520 of 5298
Ikertzen 15
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024) -
MUniversitas 56. zenbakia, 2024
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024) -
¿Cómo buscan información académica en Internet los estudiantes universitarios? Lo que dicen los estudiantes y sus profesores
(Grupo de Tecnología Educativa. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2013-03-20)Este trabajodescribe cómo los estudiantes universitarios buscan lainformación académica que necesitan.La investigación se realizó en Mondragon Unibertsitatea, dondeparticiparon 140 estudiantesde la ... -
Zero-sequence controller requirements and comparison for a delta-CHB STATCOM under unbalanced operation
(Elsevier, 2024)Delta-configured Cascaded H-Bridge (DCHB) topology is a suitable alternative for Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) applications. However, under unbalanced voltage and/or current conditions, zero-sequence current ... -
Explaining how Wikipedia deals with credibility to university students: the case of Wikipedia in the Basque language
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024-01-29)This study aims to analyse how first-year undergraduate audiovisual communication students assess the credibility and reliability of information on Wikipedia in Basque andanalyse whether the experience of being a Wikipedia ... -
Development and validation of an automatic manufacturing process for fiberglass composites
(Dyna Publishing, 2023)Fiberglass reinforced polymeric composites are ideal for various applications due to their mechanical properties and lightweight. However, nowadays many fiberglass reinforced composite manufacturing processes are manual, ... -
The impact of protective capacity in implementing drum-buffer-rope methodology in make-to-order environments: an assessment by simulation
(Publicaciones DYNA, 2022)This study uses simulation to analyse the impact of protective capacity in the implementation of the step 3 of the theory of constraints (TOC) methodology in make-to-order (MTO) environments. The results suggest that at ... -
Capacity buffer management in implementing drum-buffer-rope methodology in make-to-order environments
(Federación de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industriales de España, 2022)The research work conducted by Orue et al. [1] aims to analyze the impact of protective capacity on the application of the third step of the drum-buffer-rope methodology of the theory of constraints (subordinate everything ... -
Exploring multilingual writers in secondary education: insights from a trilingual corpus
(2023-12-16)This study aims at contributing to the field of multilingual writing and providing evidence for Cummins’ Common Underlying Proficiency Hypothesis (CUP) through analysing trilingual writing among secondary education students ... -
A comparison between input modalities and languages in source-based multilingual argumentative writing
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024-01-31)This paper examines secondary education students’ multilingual writing based on two input modalities to understand the influence of input on argumentation and sourcing strategies. Participants produced texts in Basque, ... -
The effect of small perturbation on dynamics of absorptive LiBr–water solution
(AIP Publishing, 2024)In a binary solution of lithium bromide–water, even a small disturbance in the initial homogeneous mass fraction at the absorbing interface has profound effects on the entire system dynamics. This perturbation of absorption ... -
"Gehiegitan galdetzen didate nongoa naizen". Murgiltze programako ikasle etorri berriak eta identitatearen auzia
(Euskaltzaindia, 2023)Artikulu honetan ikerketa baten berri emango dugu, ume eta gazte etorri berriekin (10-14 urte) lan egiten duten 32 irakasleren adierazpenak oinarri hartuta; euskara irakasleak dira murgiltze programan (“Eusle”1 eta ... -
Matematikaren eta euskararen trataera integrala: zein elkarrekintza didaktiko dira lagungarri arloko ikaskuntzan sakontzeko?
(Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), 2023)Artikulu honek helburu du bi eremu soziolinguistiko desberdinetako Lehen Hezkuntzako bi irakasleren gelaratzeak aztertzea matematikako buruketak langai diren saioetan. Azterketa horretan hizkuntza eta arloa uztartuta ... -
Lehen Hezkuntzako haurren lagunarteko hizkera aisialdian: erdaren eragina bat-bateko adierazkortasunean
(Euskaltzaindia, 2023)Ikerketa hau Euskaltzaindiaren Mintzola Egitasmoak, Ikastolen Elkarteak eta Mondragon Unibertsitateak gauzatu dute. Hain zuzen ere, eremu formalean lagunarteko hizkera lantzeak ea ikasleengan euskarazko hizkera informala ... -
Euskal tiktokerren edukiak eta hizkuntzaren lekua
(Euskaltzaindia, 2023)TikTok-en erabilerak hazkunde esanguratsua izan du azken urteetan, euskal gazteen artean sare sozialik erabilienetakoa izatera iritsi arte. Testuinguru honetan, artikulu honek aztertzen du zein toki duen euskarak TikToken, ... -
Ikasleak Wikipedian editore izatearen onurak ikasketa prozesuan
(Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), 2023)Ohikoa da ikasleek Wikipedia erabiltzea lanak egiteko, informazio iturri gisa edota zuzenean kopiatuta. Ikerketa honetan esperimentu bat egin da unibertsitateko ikus-entzunezko graduko lehen urtekoekin, lau urtez jarraian: ... -
A Systematic Literature Review of the Impact of Cognitive Stimulation Programs on Reading Skills in Children Aged between 6 and 12 Years Old
(MDPI, 2024)The scientific evidence regarding the possibility of transferring benefits derived from cognitive training focused on working memory and inhibitory control to reading skills in children aged 6 to 12 is inconclusive. This ... -
A Dynamic Frequency-and-Voltage Power Flow Simulation Tool for Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems based on Simulink
(IEEE, 2022)A more renewable energy generation model entails the replacement of synchronous generator-based power plants by converter-interfaced renewable sources, resulting in more susceptible power systems in terms of frequency and ... -
Capturing near-field circular dichroism enhancements from far-field measurements
(American Physical Society, 2024)Molecular circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy faces significant limitations due to the inherent weakness of chiroptical light-matter interactions. In this view, resonant optical antennas constitute a promising solution ... -
Data-based traffic profile generation tool for electric vehicle charging stations
(IEEE, 2023)This paper presents a tool to generate realistic traffic profiles in Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. The tool emulates non-deterministic traffic cases based on data from similar applications. This obtained data ...