eBiltegia: Recent submissions
Now showing items 421-440 of 5298
Experimental verification of the AC resistance effect in Insulated Metal Substrate based Power Converters
(IEEE, 2023)Insulated Metal Substrate (IMS) based power converters are an excellent solution for thermal dissipation of power converters, but they suffer for limited layer options generating parasitic elements specially in High ... -
Feeder mapping and load flow algorithms for LV distribution grids
(IEEE, 2021)With the advent of the electric vehicle, distributed generation and other emerging technologies such as heat pumps, the complexity and uncertainty of LV Distribution Networks (LVDNs) is increasing. Advanced Metering ... -
Web Augmentation: A systematic mapping study
(Elsevier, 2024)The potential of Web Augmentation lies in the fact that all users need to adapt the content, style, or behavior of the web pages they visit. This is because every human being has different desires and needs, yet everyone ... -
Comparison between Bernardi’s equation and Heat Flux Sensor measurement as Battery Heat Generation Estimation Method
(2022)The heat generation of an energy storage system is an essential topic when designing a battery pack and its cooling system. Heat generation estimation is used together with thermal models to predict battery temperature in ... -
Li-ion Battery State-of-Charge estimation algorithm with CNN-LSTM and Transfer Learning using synthetic training data
(2022)The development of State-of-Charge (SoC) algorithms for Li-ion batteries involves carrying out different laboratory tests with the money and time that this entails. Furthermore, such laboratory labours must typically be ... -
XII Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2012) -
Data-efficient reinforcement learning for variable impedance control
(IEEE, 2024)One of the most crucial steps toward achieving human-like manipulation skills in robots is to incorporate compliance into the robot controller. Compliance not only makes the robot’s behaviour safe but also makes it more ... -
Fusion dynamical systems with machine learning in imitation learning: A comprehensive overview
(Elsevier, 2024)Imitation Learning (IL), also referred to as Learning from Demonstration (LfD), holds significant promise for capturing expert motor skills through efficient imitation, facilitating adept navigation of complex scenarios. ... -
poliSPAM: Analisis de la eficiencia del spam personalizado utilizando informacion publica de redes sociales
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2012)Las campañas de envío de correos electrónicos no deseados siguen siendo una de las mayores amenazas que afectan a millones de usuarios al día. Si bien los filtros antispam son capaces de detectar y rechazar un número elevado ... -
SURF and MU-SURF descriptor comparison with application in soft-biometric tattoo matching applications
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2012)In this work a comparison of the SURF and MUSURF feature descriptor vectors is made. First, the descriptors’ performance is evaluated using a standard data set of general transformed images. This evaluation consists in ... -
End-over-end (EoE) rotation of toroidal cans: An experimentally validated mathematical modelling study
(Elsevier, 2024)Toroidal cans have been presented recently to improve the canning process efficiency, and previous studies focused on static and axial rotational processes. End-over-End (EoE) rotation is a significant agitation approach ... -
An automatic thermo-mechanical testing apparatus for metal forming applications
(Elsevier, 2023)Dynamic testing of materials is necessary to model high-speed forming processes (e.g. hammer forging, blanking, forming, etc.) and crash/impact behaviour of structures, amongst others. The most common machines to perform ... -
PLC orchestration automation to enhance human-machine integration in adaptive manufacturing systems
(Elsevier, 2023)Current approaches to manufacturing must evolve to respond to increasing demands for short product life cycles and customised products. Adaptive manufacturing systems integrate advanced technologies, automation, and ... -
On the Definition of a Comprehensive Technology-Informed Accessibility Metric for Offshore Renewable Energy Site Selection
(MDPI, 2023)Despite the important role of offshore renewable energies (OREs) in the energy transition, the economical viability is still unclear. Therefore, an appropriate site selection is crucial. Besides the energy potential, the ... -
Sobre lo sagrado y la dimensión poético-antropológica del habla
(Instituto Teológico de Murcia O.F.M., 2024-01-15)El presente texto estudia la línea de diálogo entre Platón, Aristóteles, Humboldt y Heidegger acerca del fundamento del habla y su dimensión antropológica, a partir de obras selectas sobre filosofía del lenguaje. Se muestra ... -
Module-Level Modelling Approach for Li-Ion Batteries: a Cloud-based Digital Twin Simulation Platform
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2023)The adoption of large-scale Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs) has been growing steadily and evolving. These installations involve the interconnection of multiple batteries to form larger and more powerful systems capable of ... -
The Measurement of Soret and Thermodiffusion Coefficients in Binary and Ternary Liquid Mixtures
(Springer Nature, 2023)This review provides an overview of the major, currently used techniques for investigating the Soret effect and measuring thermodiffusion and Soret coefficients, and in most cases also isothermal Fickian diffusion coefficients, ... -
Sensitivity Analysis of Near Solidus Forming (NSF) Process with Digital Twin Using Taguchi Approach
(Springer Nature, 2024)Forging at near solidus material state takes advantage of the high ductility of the material at the semi solid or soft-solid state while keeping most of the mechanical properties of a forged part. The technology is at ... -
Diffusion of hydrocarbons diluted in supercritical carbon dioxide
(Springer Nature, 2023)Mutual diffusion of six hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, isobutane, benzene, toluene or naphthalene) diluted in supercritical carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) is studied by molecular dynamics simulation near the Widom line, i.e., in ... -
Three-dimensional effects during thermocapillary-driven melting of PCMs in cuboidal containers in microgravity
(Elsevier, 2024)The melting of a phase change material (PCM) in a cuboidal domain under microgravity conditions is investigated numerically. The upper surface of the PCM is free (in contact with air, for example) and variations in its ...