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Characterization of friction coefficient at near solidus forming (NSF) conditions using T-shape compression test
(Elsevier, 2024)Amidst the escalating demand for sustainable manufacturing practices aimed at mitigating global emissions and waste, industries are actively seeking novel forming solutions to address these pressing global challenges. Near ... -
Estimation of Semiconductor Power Losses Through Automatic Thermal Modeling
(IEEE, 2024)Achieving the optimal design of power converters requires a deep understanding of the system's dissipation elements to meet the desired performance and safety standards. Once the power converter is designed, it is of key ... -
Residual Stress Pattern Prediction in Spray Transfer Multipass Welding by Means of Numerical Simulation
(Intech, 2018)One of the main problems of gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process is the generation of residual stresses (RS), which has a direct impact on the mechanical performance of welded components. Nevertheless, RS pattern prediction ... -
Fear of COVID-19 and emotional dysfunction problems: Intrusive, avoidance and hyperarousal stress as key mediators
(2022)BACKGROUND There is mounting empirical evidence of the detrimental effects of the coronavirusdisease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak on mental health. Previous research hasunderscored the effects of similar destabilizing situations ... -
Análisis comparativo de la rigidez de uniones viga-columna en estanterías metálicas
(UNED, 2018)Las estanterías metálicas de almacenaje industrial son estructuras portantes compuestas principalmente por puntales y largueros, los cuales se conectan entre ellos mediante uniones. La rigidez de las uniones determina la ... -
Application of the industry 4.0 maturity model to industrial SME: 6 case studies
(Springer, 2024)The development of Industry 4.0 in industrial companies has led to the integration of physical objects, people, and smart machines in the production lines in the pursuit of efficient production processes with high added ... -
Model for measuring the degree of leanness of a company that manufactures equipment for the hotel, catering, and laundry sectors
(Springer, 2024)Many companies have implemented various operational strategies to enhance their competitiveness, and one approach that has demonstrated significant success is lean manufacturing. Nevertheless, only a limited number of ... -
Edge-Cloud Based EMS for Distributed ESS Integration in Smart Grids
(IEEE, 2024)The ongoing energy transition is driving the transformation of the traditional centralized electric system into a decentralized one, integrating distributed energy resources (DERs) along the grid. This paper presents a ... -
Prediction of long-term creep modulus of thermoplastics using brief tests and interpretable machine learning
(Elsevier, 2024)The prediction of creep behavior plays a critical role in the design of thermoplastic materials intended for prolonged use. The creep modulus, which describes the relationship between stress and strain that a material ... -
Performance comparison of IEEE 802.11p and LTE-V2X through field-tests and simulations
(IEEE, 2024)Vehicular communication is a key enabler in making Automated Vehicles (AVs) collaborate by sharing information, which complements on-board sensor information and facilitates precise vehicle control. This paper presents a ... -
Immersive learning in agriculture: XR design of robotic milk production processes
(Design Society, 2024)During the confinement of COVID-19, learning about virtual and augmented reality grew exponentially; universities were the accelerators of this knowledge. Distance learning was the trigger to consolidate emerging technologies ... -
Impact of surface roughness on the coefficient of friction of polymer-on-polymer contacts for deflection pulley-rope systems in the lift industry
(Springer, 2024)The coefficient of friction (CoF) between the deflection pulley and rope in a lift strongly affects the life span of the rope. Although surface roughness is a key factor affecting the metallic pulley–rope CoF, its effect ... -
Leveraging Digital Twins and SIEM Integration for Incident Response in OT Environments
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2024)The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has digitally transformed industrial processes albeit at the expense of increasing exposure to new security threats. System Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, typically ... -
Socially Assistive Robots to aid learning of Reading Skills in Children with Dyslexia (poster)
(2022)Socially Assistive Robots are creating a revolution in today's era. They are being used in fields like healthcare, education, entertainment, services and more. In ‘Children with Special Needs’, robot-teacher combination ... -
Faster Evaluation of Dimensional Machine Performance in Additive Manufacturing by Using COMPAQT Parts
(MDPI, 2024)Knowing the tolerance interval capabilities (TICs) of a manufacturing process is of prime interest, especially if specifications link the manufacturer to a customer. These TICs can be determined using the machine performance ... -
Effect of Cutting Conditions on Surface Integrity when Robotic Drilling of Aluminum 6082-GFRP Stacks
(Elsevier, 2024)Six-axis robots are increasingly employed in manufacturing due to their excellent volume on cost ratio and extensive reach, facilitating the machining of large components, including those made of composites. However, this ... -
Analytical model to identify crack initiation in machined aluminium parts
(Elsevier, 2024)Thin-walled aluminium components used in the structure of aircrafts are subjected to fatigue loads. Fatigue performance of those components is affected by the surface integrity generated in the last machining step. This ... -
Haur eta gazte literatura. Irakur gida. 2023
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultatea, 2024) -
Perception of Gen Y and Z on Bank’s Financial Performance: Exploring Managerial Capabilities and Digital Innovation
(Academic Conferences International, 2024)The inception of digitalization has transformed many organizations. Presently, personal and professional lives are difficult to fathom without the utilisation of digital technologies. For organisations, digital innovation ...