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Data-Driven Industrial Human-Machine Interface Temporal Adaptation for Process Optimization
(IEEE, 2020)The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Industrial Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) moved old systems with physical buttons and analogue actuators into adaptive interaction models and context-based self adjusted ... -
IM2, a Maturity Model for Innovation in SMEs
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización (ADINGOR), 2018)With the aim to discover and assess specific aspects of management and evaluate their ‘maturity level’, both practitioners and academics have developed a wide range of maturity assessment models over the last decades. In ... -
Disparities by socioeconomic status and diagnosis of dementia in the prescribing of antipsychotics in a real-World data population over 60 years of age
(IOS Press, 2024)Background: Antipsychotics are widely used in the elderly due to the high prevalence of neuropsychiatric associated with dementia. Objective: To analyze potential disparities in antipsychotic use in the general ... -
Turning of 42CrMo4+QT under different scenarios: dataset of machining, roughness and residual stress
(Elsevier, 2024)The turning process remains one of the most widely used manufacturing methods in the industry due to its high flexibility and production rates. Despite being an extensively used technique, the impact of this machining ... -
The Line Back Principle as a Means of Optimising Logistical Production Processes: A Case Study of a Household Appliance Manufacturer
(Springer, 2023)This paper shows the application of a process of analysis and optimisation of logistic-productive processes based on the Line Back Principle as applied to a household appliance manufacturing company. The implementation has ... -
Effect of material extrusion method on the microstructure and mechanical properties of copper parts
(2024)In the present study, three extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies were considered: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), Pellet Extrusion Process (PEP) and Atomic Diffusion Additive Manufacturing (ADAM). In ... -
Análisis de arquitecturas de potencia parcial para aplicaciones de corriente continua
(2019)En este documento se analizan arquitecturas avanzadas de convertidores DC-DC que buscan reducir la potencia a manejar por estos mismos. Para ello, en primer lugar, se describen las ventajas y desventajas que presentan este ... -
Dimensionamiento de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos con Almacenamiento Híbrido
(2019)Los sistemas fotovoltaicos aislados de la red eléctrica están generalmente compuestos por una agrupación de paneles fotovoltaicos, un elemento de almacenamiento como baterías, un convertidor DC-DC que actúa como cargador ... -
Análisis Experimental del Efecto de la Temperatura y la Tensión de Carga para la Optimización Energética de Sistemas de Almacenamiento de Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas Aisladas
(2017)El presente artículo trata de optimizar el uso de las baterías en instalaciones fotovoltaicas aisladas. Por un lado se trata de aprovechar al máximo la energía almacenada a la vez que se estudian los factores que afectan ... -
PlatoonSAFE: An Integrated Simulation Tool for Evaluating Platoon Safety
(IEEE, 2023)Platooning is highly tractable for enabling fuel savings for autonomous and semi-autonomous cars and trucks. Safety concerns are one of the main impediments that need to be overcome before vehicle platoons can be deployed ... -
AA5754 aluminium alloy springback reduction by post forming electro plastic effect (PFEPE)
(Elsevier, 2024)Post Forming Electro Plastic Effect (PFEPE) has been proposed as a promising technology for mitigating forming forces and addressing springback challenges in the metal forming industry. However, several research gaps remain ... -
Progress in multicomponent thermodiffusion studies in connection with the DCMIX space experiments
(AIP Publishing, 2024)Understanding of thermodiffusion in ternary mixtures has made significant progress during the course of the DCMIX (Diffusion and Thermodiffusion Coefficients in ternary mixtures) microgravity experiments onboard the ... -
Beyond the Wild MRSA: Genetic Features and Phylogenomic Review of mecC-Mediated Methicillin Resistance in Non-aureus Staphylococci and Mammaliicocci
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-1-1)Methicillin resistance, mediated by the mecA gene in staphylococci and mammaliicocci, has caused tremendous setbacks in the use of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine due to its high potential of presenting the ... -
Enhancing PCM thermal management in multi-cycle melting-solidification
(Elsevier, 2024)We present a comprehensive study on heat transfer in phase-change materials (PCMs), focusing on both melting and solidification phases, different temperature scenarios, an assessment of practical implementation aspects, ... -
Influence of turning parameters on residual stresses and roughness of 42CrMo4 + QT
(Springer, 2024)Residual stresses and surface roughness have been recognized to play a critical role in the fatigue strength of metal components. Machining processes can induce different roughness and residual stress conditions depending ... -
EEG motor imagery classification: tangent space with gate-generated weight classifier
(MDPI, 2024)Individuals grappling with severe central nervous system injuries often face significant challenges related to sensorimotor function and communication abilities. In response, brain–computer interface (BCI) technology has ... -
Sustainable machining: Recent technological advances
(Elsevier, 2024)Multiple international organizations and many governments around the world have declared climate emergency. There is a pressing need to minimize the environmental impacts of human activities including manufacturing processes. ... -
AdaptUI: A Framework for the development of Adaptive User Interfaces in Smart Product-Service Systems
(Springer, 2024)Smart Product–Service Systems (S-PSS) represent an innovative business model that integrates intelligent products with advanced digital capabilities and corresponding e-services. The user experience (UX) within an S-PSS ... -
Chronic disease incidence explained by stepwise models and co-occurrence among them
(Elsevier, 2024)Multimorbidity (MM) is the co-occurrence of two or more chronic diseases. We provided a dynamic approach revealing the MM complexity constructing a multistep incidence-age model for all patients with MM between 2014 and ... -
Data-Driven Optimization of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) Coatings with Explainable Artificial Intelligence Insights
(MDPI, 2024)PEO constitutes a promising surface technology for the development of protective and functional ceramic coatings on lightweight alloys. Despite its interesting advantages, including enhanced wear and corrosion resistances ...