Study of a new novel HVOAF coating based on a new multicomponent Al80Mg10Si5Cu5 alloyEgilea
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TecnaliaUniversidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
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© 2024 The AuthorsSarbidea
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https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings14091135Non argitaratua
Coatings Vol. 14. N. art. 1135. September, 2024Argitaratzailea
coatingAluminium alloy
Electrical conductivity
Gaia (UNESCO Tesauroa)
Materialen teknologiaUNESCO Sailkapena
Materialen teknologiaLaburpena
This paper presents and demonstrates the development of a new lightweight coating for aluminum alloy from a novel multicomponent alloy based on the AlSiMgCu system. The coating was applied using a new ... [+]
This paper presents and demonstrates the development of a new lightweight coating for aluminum alloy from a novel multicomponent alloy based on the AlSiMgCu system. The coating was applied using a newly designed approach that combined high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) and plasma spraying processes. This hybrid technique enables the deposition of coatings with enhanced performance characteristics. The optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM + EDS) revealed a strong adhesion and compaction between the multicomponent coating and the A6061 substrate. The new coating improved hardness by 50% and increased electrical conductivity by approximately 3.3 times compared to the as-cast alloy. Corrosion tests showed a lower corrosion rate, comparable to thermally treated A6061 alloy. Tribological tests indicated over 20% reduction in friction and over 50% reduction in wear rate. This suggests that multicomponent aluminum coatings could improve automotive and parts in contact with hydrogen by enhancing hydrogen fragilization resistance, corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, and wear properties, with further optimization of thermal spraying potentially boosting performance even further. [-]
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