Towards a probabilistic error correction approach for improved drone battery health assessmentBeste instituzio
IkerbasqueAlerion Technologies
© 2023 ESREL2023 OrganizersSarbidea
Sarbide bahituaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.3850/978-981-18-8071-1_P179-cdNon argitaratua
European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 33 : 2023 : Southampton. 3-7 September, 2023Argitaratzailea
Research Publishing, SingaporeGako-hitzak
Health managementBatteries
Gaia (UNESCO Tesauroa)
Osasun estatistikakLaburpena
Health monitoring of remote critical infrastructure, such as offshore wind turbines, is complex and expensive.
For the offshore energy sector, the accessibility for on-site asset inspection is hamper ... [+]
Health monitoring of remote critical infrastructure, such as offshore wind turbines, is complex and expensive.
For the offshore energy sector, the accessibility for on-site asset inspection is hampered due to their harsh and
remote location. In this context, inspection drones are crucial assets. They can perform multiple tasks, which
are benefitial for the industry and society, including the improved reliability of critical and remote infrastructure.
However, the reliability and safety assurance of inspection drones is complex, as they are autonomous systems and
they require incorporating run-time operation and degradation knowledge. Focusing on the health assessment of
inspection drones, their battery is a key component, which is a single point of failure and determines the probability
of a successful operation. In this context, this paper presents a novel concept for inspection drone battery health
assessment through a probabilistic hybrid approach which combines physics-based battery discharge models with
data-driven error forecasting strategies. Results are validated with real data obtained through different offshore wind
inspection flights of drones. [-]
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