Wear properties of a new Al80Mg10Si5Cu5 multicomponent alloyAuthor
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TecnaliaUniversidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
Published version
© 2024 The Author(s)Access
Open accessPublisher’s version
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2024.205585Published at
Wear Vol. 558-559. N. Art. 205585. December, 2024Publisher
Ball on disc
Aluminium alloy ... [+]
Aluminium alloy ... [+]
Ball on disc
Aluminium alloy
ODS 9 Industria, innovación e infraestructura
ODS 12 Producción y consumo responsables [-]
Aluminium alloy
ODS 9 Industria, innovación e infraestructura
ODS 12 Producción y consumo responsables [-]
Subject (UNESCO Thesaurus)
Materials technologyUNESCO Classification
Materials technologyAbstract
The present study investigates the tribological properties of a newly developed multicomponent aluminium weight-light multicomponent alloy for wear based on the Al80Mg10Si5Cu5 system for lightweight a ... [+]
The present study investigates the tribological properties of a newly developed multicomponent aluminium weight-light multicomponent alloy for wear based on the Al80Mg10Si5Cu5 system for lightweight automotive applications, especially back drum discs. The samples were manufactured by High-Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) employing cast alloy returns and secondary aluminium ingots and were tested at room temperature (RT) and 200 °C. It has been observed that the Al80Mg10Si5Cu5 alloy offers a higher hardness and wear resistance at RT and especially at 200 °C compared with the AlSi9Cu3 reference alloy (x10 times reduction in wear rate). The impact of maintaining the external surface layer (skin) of HPDC cast parts has been studied for the ball-on disc test, showing improved tribological properties and the possibility of avoiding the machining of contact surfaces. The as-cast Al80Mg10Si5Cu alloy with the surface layer showed a wear rate coefficient of 5 × 10−4 mm3/N.m2 at RT, a 50 % lower than that of the sample without skin. Solution heat-treated samples (72 h at 440 °C, water quenching at 75 °C, and natural aging) with the surface layer showed a wear rate coefficient of 11 × 10−4 mm3/N.m2, approximately 20 % lower than the sample without a surface layer. The wear rate of AlSi9Cu3 alloy decreased by more than 50 % in the samples without skin at RT. At 200 °C, wear rate coefficients were lower in the samples with the surface layer. [-]
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