How local ecosystems can support energy communities: insights from Debagoiena RegionVersion
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Mondragon UnibertsitateaKeywords
sustainable business model
regional development
sustainable development
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regional development
sustainable development
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sustainable business model
regional development
sustainable development
full papers
THEME 2: Exploring the sectoral and organizational level [-]
regional development
sustainable development
full papers
THEME 2: Exploring the sectoral and organizational level [-]
Energy communities are increasingly seen as a key lever for the energy transition. However, energy communities need supportive ecosystems to overcome the challenges they face individually. This study ... [+]
Energy communities are increasingly seen as a key lever for the energy transition. However, energy communities need supportive ecosystems to overcome the challenges they face individually. This study explores the development of a supportive ecosystem for energy communities in the Debagoiena region, driven by the collaborative network D2030. Following a participatory action research approach, presents a retrospective case study addressing three key questions: How to build supportive local ecosystems for energy communities, the importance and contribution of these ecosystems to energy community deployment, and the challenges in their creation. Key mechanisms identified in the supportive ecosystem for energy communities include Laboratories (open learning communities), a working group for energy community members, and the Community Transformation Office (open to civil society). The research highlights the importance of adaptable, responsive, and community-driven ecosystems in supporting the growth and deployment of energy communities. Leveraging cooperative values and structures, as exhibited by D2030, can be instrumental in overcoming challenges and fostering a successful transition towards a sustainable energy future. [-]
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