The Line Back Principle as a Means of Optimising Logistical Production Processes: A Case Study of a Household Appliance ManufacturerBertsioa
© 2023 The Author(s)Sarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-27915-7_3Non argitaratua
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (CIO 2022) IoT and Data Science in Engineering Management Pp. 13-18Argitaratzailea
line backlean manufacturing
lean logistics
Gaia (UNESCO Tesauroa)
Ekoizpenaren ingeniaritzaLaburpena
This paper shows the application of a process of analysis and optimisation of logistic-productive processes based on the Line Back Principle as applied to a household appliance manufacturing company. ... [+]
This paper shows the application of a process of analysis and optimisation of logistic-productive processes based on the Line Back Principle as applied to a household appliance manufacturing company. The implementation has been based on a case study methodology, in which the researcher has led and actively participated in the implementation process. The implementation process was structured according to the four stages defined within the Line Back Principle. Through this implementation, productivity improvements, reductions in the stock, and reductions in the space occupied by the stock were obtained. The study has therefore demonstrated the validity of the Line Back Principle as a means of improving operational parameters. [-]