Effect of material extrusion method on the microstructure and mechanical properties of copper partsAutor-a
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https://doi.org/10.3390/met14080941Publicado en
Metals Vol. 14. N.8. N. art. 941Palabras clave
Copperpellet additive manufacturing
metal extrusion
Materia (Tesauro UNESCO)
Ingenieria mecánicaClasificación UNESCO
Tecnología e ingeniería mecánicasResumen
In the present study, three extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies were considered: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), Pellet Extrusion Process (PEP) and Atomic Diffusion Additive Man ... [+]
In the present study, three extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies were considered: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), Pellet Extrusion Process (PEP) and Atomic Diffusion Additive Manufacturing (ADAM). In order to compare these technologies, the same initial material was employed: a copper filament commercialized by Markforged® (Waltham, MA, USA). The copper filament was employed as received for ADAM and FFF technologies and shredded for PEP technology. Different printing parameters were studied for each technology (except for ADAM, which does not allow it) and the manufactured disc-shaped and tensile test parts were debindered and sintered under the same conditions. Part density, micrography and mechanical properties were analyzed. The density was observed to change with geometry, showing a relative density of around 95% for the tensile test parts through all the technologies but lower relative densities for the disc-shaped parts: around 90% for ADAM, between 85–88% for PEP and between 90–94% for optimized FFF printing parameters. The micrographies present big cavities between infill and contour for ADAM, whereas such cavities were not observed in either PEP or FFF parts. On the other hand, the parts made with PEP showed less and smaller porosity, but they had poor surface finishing, indicating that some printing parameters should be readjusted. Finally, the FFF parts had a better finishing but exhibited a non-uniform pore distribution. Concerning the mechanical properties, all the printed parts show similar properties. [-]
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Tecnologías de gestión térmica para una propulsión inteligente y sostenible del avión cero emisiones (EKOPROP II)Sin información
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