Selecting the Right Tool for the Right Moment: development of tool overview for a circular customer journey in practiceVersion
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Mondragon UnibertsitateaKeywords
toolscircular economy
short papers
THEME 4: Exploring theoretical and methodological foundations
CESI (Circular Economy Smart Industries) is a Dutch national program to support entrepreneurs in developing circular business models . A collaborative project team of researchers from Saxion, Windeshe ... [+]
CESI (Circular Economy Smart Industries) is a Dutch national program to support entrepreneurs in developing circular business models . A collaborative project team of researchers from Saxion, Windesheim, and HAN universities of applied sciences explored tools to facilitate a circular transition in companies within the 'smart' manufacturing industry. This provides a unique opportunity for a deep dive into the vast expanding realm of tools for circularity on offer. The investigation involved analyzing various models, methods, and techniques related to circular transition, categorizing them based on functionality and utility. The results emphasize the need for a comprehensive overview and a standardized framework. Using design thinking principles, the circular customer journey was developed. Over 180 tools on offer were curated and classified. Twenty-two tools were eventually considered appropriate to support SMEs in the manufacturing industry for the various stages in their circular customer journey. While the project is still running, this contribution presents and discusses the preliminary results. [-]
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