Piloting Innovative forms of Nature-Based Learning in Business SchoolsAuthor (from another institution)
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© 2024 The AuthorsAccess
Open accessPublisher’s version
Mondragon UnibertsitateaKeywords
regenerative business models
nature-based education
second-life batteries
higher education ... [+]
nature-based education
second-life batteries
higher education ... [+]
regenerative business models
nature-based education
second-life batteries
higher education
transformative learning
THEME 4: Exploring theoretical and methodological foundations
short papers [-]
nature-based education
second-life batteries
higher education
transformative learning
THEME 4: Exploring theoretical and methodological foundations
short papers [-]
This research explores the potential for nature-based learning in fostering regenerative capabilities in business education. The goal of the research is exploring how nature-based learning approaches ... [+]
This research explores the potential for nature-based learning in fostering regenerative capabilities in business education. The goal of the research is exploring how nature-based learning approaches in education can be integrated to cultivate regenerative-focused mindsets in individuals and organizations, supporting the transition towards regenerative business models. Through a multi-national study, this explorative research will develop, test, and refine innovative nature-based learning approaches which will contribute to practical and theoretical insights that support regenerative capabilities within business schools. [-]
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