Tool Geometry Optimisation for LCO2 Assisted Milling of Ti6Al4VAutor-a (de otra institución)
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University of LjubljanaVersión
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2024.05.019Publicado en
Procedia CIRP Vol. 123. Pp. 95-100, 2024Editor
ElsevierPalabras clave
Sustainable machining
LCO2 cooling
Geometry optimisation
Ti6Al4V ... [+]
LCO2 cooling
Geometry optimisation
Ti6Al4V ... [+]
Sustainable machining
LCO2 cooling
Geometry optimisation
ODS 12 Producción y consumo responsables [-]
LCO2 cooling
Geometry optimisation
ODS 12 Producción y consumo responsables [-]
Titanium alloy Ti6Al4V is of great importance to the aeronautical and medical sectors due to its mechanical properties such as a high strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance. On the downside ... [+]
Titanium alloy Ti6Al4V is of great importance to the aeronautical and medical sectors due to its mechanical properties such as a high strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance. On the downside, machining Ti6Al4V can lead to accelerated tool wear and poor surface finish of the machined part due to its low heat dissipation capacity. Traditionally, oil and water based metalworking fluids (MWFs) have been used to overcome such issues. However, new regulations and eco-friendly manufacturing trends suggest that conventional MWFs should be minimised, as they are hazardous to the environment and workers’ health. Additionally, titanium prostheses contaminated with oil can cause severe integration problems on the patient. This article researches the feasibility of replacing conventional emulsions with sustainable liquid carbon dioxide (LCO2) cooling. For this purpose, an optimisation of the tool geometry (helix angle, clearance angle and cutting edge geometry) for LCO2 assisted milling of Ti6Al4V was carried out, taking into account parameters such as cutting forces, surface roughness and the microstructure of the machined surface. This research contributes to the development of environmentally friendly and work safe manufacturing processes that meet the challenges of machining Ti6Al4V for aerospace and medical applications. [-]
Gobierno de EspañaPrograma
CDTI 2018Número
INNO-20182049URI de la ayuda
Sin informaciónProyecto
Mecanizado Asistido por fluidos criogénicos (CRYOMACH)Colecciones
- Artículos - Ingeniería [700]
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