Effect of the loading-rate and stress state on the constitutive modelling and fracture of 2205 Duplex stainless steelAuthor (from another institution)
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IkerbasqueUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
Published version
© 2024 The AuthorsAccess
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2024.104991Published at
International Journal of Impact Engineering Vol. 191. N. art. 104991, 2024Publisher
stainless steel
ductile fracture
stress state
strain rate ... [+]
ductile fracture
stress state
strain rate ... [+]
stainless steel
ductile fracture
stress state
strain rate
ODS 8 Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico
ODS 9 Industria, innovación e infraestructura [-]
ductile fracture
stress state
strain rate
ODS 8 Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico
ODS 9 Industria, innovación e infraestructura [-]
Shear cutting is a high-speed forming process where material separation is involved. The nature of the process leads to high strain rates and temperatures on the sheared zone of the material subjected ... [+]
Shear cutting is a high-speed forming process where material separation is involved. The nature of the process leads to high strain rates and temperatures on the sheared zone of the material subjected to the operation. In this work, the mechanical behavior in terms of flow stress, plastic deformation and fracture of a 2205 Duplex stainless steel sheet is determined. Uniaxial tension, uniaxial compression, stack compression, plane strain tension and simple shear tests at different angles with respect to the rolling direction of the metal sheet are performed to determine the anisotropic behavior of the material. Strain rate and temperature dependence of the flow stress and the plastic behavior of the material is determined through notched tensile tests performed under various temperatures (20°C, 100°C, 300°C and 500°C) and strain rates (0.001 s-1, 10 s-1 and >100 s-1). Finally, fracture behavior under various stress states is determined through notched tensile, central hole, in-plane shear and plane strain tests. The temperature and strain rate dependence of the fracture behavior is determined through notched tensile, in-plane shear and plane strain tests performed under various temperatures (20°C, 100°C, 300°C and 500°C) and strain rates (0.001 s-1, 10 s-1 and >100 s-1). The anisotropic behavior and work hardening of the material are modelled by the Hill48 yield function and Swift-Hockett-Sherby hardening law, respectively. Among the two ductile fracture models tested, Hosford-Coulomb model showed the best agreement and is therefore used to account for the temperature and strain rate effects on the fracture behavior. By combining these three models, an accurate reproduction of the mechanical behavior of the 2205 Duplex stainless steel sheet is achieved. [-]
Comisión EuropeaGobierno Vasco
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Ramon y Cajal. Convocatoria 2021
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Optimisation of cutting processes using intelligent cutting tools (INTELLCUTPROCESS)Estudio fundamental de procesos de corte y definición de las bases para su digitalización (DIGICUT)
Borja Erice
- Articles - Engineering [700]
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