Frugal Innovation and Circular Economy at the Local Level: A Case Study in the Colombian CoastAutor-a (de otra institución)
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Mondragon UnibertsitateaPalabras clave
frugal innovation
circular economy
plastic waste
Latin America ... [+]
circular economy
plastic waste
Latin America ... [+]
frugal innovation
circular economy
plastic waste
Latin America
base of the pyramid
THEME 1: Exploring the system level
short papers [-]
circular economy
plastic waste
Latin America
base of the pyramid
THEME 1: Exploring the system level
short papers [-]
Frugal innovation (FI) and circular economy (CE) have been recently considered similar and
complementary. Taking a micro-level perspective, this short paper explores the idea that FI
might function ... [+]
Frugal innovation (FI) and circular economy (CE) have been recently considered similar and
complementary. Taking a micro-level perspective, this short paper explores the idea that FI
might function as a means to define and operationalize what CE entails at the local level in
the Global South. For this purpose, it studies the case of the Colombian non-profit
organization Fundación amigos del mar. [-]
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