Driving Sustainability: Insights from a Multiple Case Study on B2C Product-Service-SystemsAuthor (from another institution)
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Mondragon UnibertsitateaKeywords
product-service-system (PSS)
circular business models
sustainable development
multiple case study ... [+]
circular business models
sustainable development
multiple case study ... [+]
product-service-system (PSS)
circular business models
sustainable development
multiple case study
short papers
THEME 3: Exploring the organizational impact [-]
circular business models
sustainable development
multiple case study
short papers
THEME 3: Exploring the organizational impact [-]
The current linear economic model is exacerbating environmental challenges, which has led to the transition to the circular economy and the adoption of circular business models by organizations. One o ... [+]
The current linear economic model is exacerbating environmental challenges, which has led to the transition to the circular economy and the adoption of circular business models by organizations. One of these models are product-service systems (PSS), which have shown to have a high potential to promote sustainability, however, their implementation presents numerous challenges. For instance, configurations of PSS’ capabilities are different than from traditional business models, and they operate under settings oriented towards linear production and consumption systems. Through a multiple case study approach, drawing insights from the resource-based view, dynamic capabilities theory, and contingency theory this research explores the dynamic nature of PSS business models. It illustrates how organizations adeptly respond to various challenges and seize opportunities, while contributing to sustainable development. [-]
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