The Effect of Digital Leadership on Innovative Work Behavior of Vietnamese Enterprises Employees: the Role of Employee’s Digital LiteracyAuthor (from another institution)
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Mondragon UnibertsitateaKeywords
innovative work behavior
digital leadership
employee’s digital literacy
Vietnam ... [+]
digital leadership
employee’s digital literacy
Vietnam ... [+]
innovative work behavior
digital leadership
employee’s digital literacy
full papers
THEME 3: Exploring the organizational impact [-]
digital leadership
employee’s digital literacy
full papers
THEME 3: Exploring the organizational impact [-]
As businesses globally transition into the digital era, digital leadership emerges as a crucial driver of innovation. A combination of leadership skills and digital technology characterizes digital le ... [+]
As businesses globally transition into the digital era, digital leadership emerges as a crucial driver of innovation. A combination of leadership skills and digital technology characterizes digital leadership. This study explores the impact of digital leadership on the innovative work behavior of employees in Vietnamese enterprises, highlighting the mediating role of employees' digital literacy. Qualitative and quantitative research methodologies were employed, including in-depth interviews with six management-level personnel and five employees and surveys with 446 employees in various regions in Vietnam. The findings underscore the direct positive influence of digital leadership on innovative work behaviors. Moreover, employee’s digital literacy significantly mediates this relationship, suggesting that digitally literate employees are better positioned to translate digital leadership into innovative outcomes. This study contributes to the understanding of digital leadership's role in promoting innovation in the digital age, especially in the context of Vietnamese enterprises. The insights gleaned from this research provide practical implications for businesses in Vietnam and similar contexts, emphasizing the need to cultivate digital leadership and enhance employee digital literacy to spur innovation and competitive advantage in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. [-]
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