Tech Reborn: Unveiling the Fascination of Young Consumers with Refurbished Electronic Devices in New Zealand and the Influential FactorsVersion
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Mondragon UnibertsitateaKeywords
refurbished electronic devices
young consumer
purchase intention ... [+]
refurbished electronic devices
young consumer
purchase intention ... [+]
refurbished electronic devices
young consumer
purchase intention
short papers
THEME 4: Exploring theoretical and methodological foundations [-]
refurbished electronic devices
young consumer
purchase intention
short papers
THEME 4: Exploring theoretical and methodological foundations [-]
This study aims to investigate the purchase intentions of young consumers regarding refurbished electronic devices (REDs) like laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. Three factors social awareness, atti ... [+]
This study aims to investigate the purchase intentions of young consumers regarding refurbished electronic devices (REDs) like laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. Three factors social awareness, attitude, and social acceptance were identified through a literature review as influential in shaping purchase intentions. Subsequently, these factors were employed as independent variables in a questionnaire study. Following an analysis of the correlation of these factors with purchase intention, implications for engaging young consumers were derived that could support the marketing of REDs. [-]
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