A multiscale material model for metallic powder compaction during hot isostatic pressingAuthor
Other institutions
Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas de Gipuzkoa (CEIT)ITP Aero
Published version
© 2023 The AuthorsAccess
Open accessPublisher’s version
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2023.118599Published at
Powder Technology Publisher
Powder compaction
Finite element method
Hot isostatic pressing
Mesoscopic analysis ... [+]
Finite element method
Hot isostatic pressing
Mesoscopic analysis ... [+]
Powder compaction
Finite element method
Hot isostatic pressing
Mesoscopic analysis
Experimental characterization [-]
Finite element method
Hot isostatic pressing
Mesoscopic analysis
Experimental characterization [-]
The prediction of the distortions during Near-Net-Shape Hot Isostatic Pressing (NNS-HIP) is an intrinsic multiscale problem where the local interactions among particles determine the macroscopic disto ... [+]
The prediction of the distortions during Near-Net-Shape Hot Isostatic Pressing (NNS-HIP) is an intrinsic multiscale problem where the local interactions among particles determine the macroscopic distortions taking place during the sintering and densification of a component. In this work, a multiscale approach is proposed to solve this problem. In particular, a viscoplastic constitutive model capable of predicting macroscopic contractions during a HIP process with high accuracy has been developed, implemented and validated. The macroscopic model incorporates the mechanical behaviour predicted at the meso-scale by means of multiple-particle finite element models (MP-FEM) of an agglomerate of powder particles. The model is validated through the prediction of distortions during HIP of a full scale industrial case. It is concluded that adding the microscopic information of the HIP process to simulate the contractions at the macroscopic level results in a considerable improvement of the accuracy of the predictions. [-]
- Articles - Engineering [700]
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