Three-dimensional effects during thermocapillary-driven melting of PCMs in cuboidal containers in microgravityAuthor (from another institution)
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IkerbasqueTechnical University of Denmark
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
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© 2023 The AuthorsAccess
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2023.107198Published at
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer Publisher
Phase change materialsThermocapillary effect
The melting of a phase change material (PCM) in a cuboidal domain under microgravity conditions is investigated numerically. The upper surface of the PCM is free (in contact with air, for example) and ... [+]
The melting of a phase change material (PCM) in a cuboidal domain under microgravity conditions is investigated numerically. The upper surface of the PCM is free (in contact with air, for example) and variations in its surface tension drive thermocapillary convection in the liquid phase, which significantly enhances heat transfer and accelerates melting. Furthermore, the change in liquid fraction during melting is associated with transitions among various modes of thermocapillary dynamics, including an oscillatory instability to hydrothermal waves. While the characteristics of PCM melting and thermocapillary dynamics have previously been investigated in this system using a two-dimensional model, the current work examines the important question of transverse dynamics and their effect on the melting process. Careful quantitative comparisons are made between the three- and two-dimensional models in terms of melting times, solid/liquid interface evolution, thermal fields, and spectrograms. The results show that transverse modes are often, but not always, reflection symmetric about the midplane and that their influence on melting and PCM performance is relatively minor in most cases. Thus, two-dimensional models may be used to reduce computational costs while still providing a reasonable approximation of the melting process for high Prandtl number materials, especially when compared to the midplane of the full cuboidal domain. [-]
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Materiales Magnetoactivos Avanzados para Nuevos Sistemas Inteligentes (MMASINT)
- Articles - Engineering [700]
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