Towards Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings in Cold Rural Mediterranean Zones: The Case of La Rioja (Spain)Egilea
Ikerketa taldea
Almacenamiento de energíaEconomía Circular y Sostenibilidad Industrial
Sistemas electrónicos de potencia aplicados al control de la energía eléctrica
Beste instituzio
Universidad de La RiojaBertsioa
Bertsio argitaratua
© 2023 The AuthorsSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13030680Non argitaratua
Buildings Vol. 13. N. 3. N. art. 680, 2024Argitaratzailea
sustainable rural development
energy renovation
rural residential buildings
nearly zero-energy buildings ... [+]
energy renovation
rural residential buildings
nearly zero-energy buildings ... [+]
sustainable rural development
energy renovation
rural residential buildings
nearly zero-energy buildings
Spain [-]
energy renovation
rural residential buildings
nearly zero-energy buildings
Spain [-]
Eremua (UNESCO Sailkapena)
Zientzia TeknologikoakDiziplina (UNESCO Sailkapena)
The European Union aims for its existing building stock to be highly energy-efficient and decarbonized by 2050 through long-term renovation strategies so that all residential buildings are nearly zero ... [+]
The European Union aims for its existing building stock to be highly energy-efficient and decarbonized by 2050 through long-term renovation strategies so that all residential buildings are nearly zero-energy buildings. The objective of this work is to determine the optimal energy renovation solution for rural residential buildings located in cold climate zones of Spain to achieve nearly zero-energy buildings. For this purpose, the energy, environmental and economic impacts of 48 energy renovation proposals in three different climate zones are assessed, taking La Rioja as a case study. Considering these impacts, the optimal solution is a solution that improves the thermal envelope, applying the life cycle cost analysis, and that uses renewable energy sources to meet thermal needs and a portion of the electrical energy needs. Under the optimal solution, overall savings of up to EUR 2.4 can be achieved for each euro invested, resulting in reductions in non-renewable primary energy consumption by up to 97%, total primary energy consumption by up to 81% and CO2 emissions by up to 97%. The methodology followed and the results obtained can serve as a guide for establishing energy renovation policies in other cold rural Mediterranean zones. [-]
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