Measurement Based Stochastic Channel Model for 60 GHz Mmwave Industrial CommunicationsBertsioa
© 2023 The AuthorsSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.1109/OJIES.2023.3334299Non argitaratua
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society Argitaratzailea
Antenna measurements
millimeter wave propagation
Position measurement
Production facilities ... [+]
millimeter wave propagation
Position measurement
Production facilities ... [+]
Antenna measurements
millimeter wave propagation
Position measurement
Production facilities
Data models [-]
millimeter wave propagation
Position measurement
Production facilities
Data models [-]
Eremua (UNESCO Sailkapena)
Zientzia TeknologikoakDiziplina (UNESCO Sailkapena)
Telekomunikazioen teknologiaLaburpena
Communications in the mmWave spectrum are gaining relevance in the last years as they are a promising candidate to cope with the increasing demand of throughput and latency in different use cases. Now ... [+]
Communications in the mmWave spectrum are gaining relevance in the last years as they are a promising candidate to cope with the increasing demand of throughput and latency in different use cases. Nowadays, several efforts have been carried out to characterize the propagation medium of these signals with the aim of designing their corresponding communication protocols accordingly, and a wide variety of both outdoor/indoor locations have already been studied. However, very few works endorse industrial scenarios, which are particularly demanding due to their stringent requirements in terms of reliability, determinism, and latency. This work aims to provide an insight of the propagation of 60 GHz mmWave signals in a typical industrial workshop in order to explore the particularities of this kind of scenario. In order to achieve this, an extensive measurement campaign has been carried out in this environment and a stochastic channel model has been proposed and validated. [-]
Eusko Jaurlaritza = Gobierno VascoEusko Jaurlaritza = Gobierno Vasco
Eusko Jaurlaritza = Gobierno Vasco
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia = Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
Ikertalde Convocatoria 2022-2023Elkartek 2023
Elkartek 2023
Programa de Red Guipuzcoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2022
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Sin informaciónAUTOTRUS
Comunicaciones en banda milimétrica para Industria 4.0. MMWI4.0
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