A comparison between input modalities and languages in source-based multilingual argumentative writingResearch Group
Hezkuntza berrikuntzaInnovación educativa
Hizkuntzak eta kulturak gizartean eta eskolan
Lenguas y culturas en la sociedad y en la escuela
© 2024 Elsevier B.V.Access
Embargoed accessPublisher’s version
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2024.100813Published at
Assessing Writing Publisher
Elsevier LtdKeywords
Source-based writing
Source use strategies
Multilingualism ... [+]
Source use strategies
Multilingualism ... [+]
Source-based writing
Source use strategies
Secondary education [-]
Source use strategies
Secondary education [-]
This paper examines secondary education students’ multilingual writing based on two input modalities to understand the influence of input on argumentation and sourcing strategies. Participants produce ... [+]
This paper examines secondary education students’ multilingual writing based on two input modalities to understand the influence of input on argumentation and sourcing strategies. Participants produced texts in Basque, Spanish and English based on a video or a text, and texts were analysed to explore their production of argumentation elements and sourcing strategies. Differences were found between input modalities in the use of data and rebuttals, and in copying. Across-language differences were also found in the use of data and counterarguments, and in the use of original ideas and paraphrasing. Additionally, complex argumentation elements elicited more original ideas than simple ones. Findings suggest that different writing sub-processes might be activated when composing from different sources and that argumentation and sourcing might be transferable across languages. These results may have important implications for educators in multilingual programs who aim to support their students in acquiring academic writing skills in multiple languages. [-]
Basque GovernmentFunder
Basque GovernmentNumber
PRE-E_2021_1_0001 & IT1664-22PID2019-111655RA-I00
- Articles - Education [106]
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