A Systematic Literature Review of the Impact of Cognitive Stimulation Programs on Reading Skills in Children Aged between 6 and 12 Years OldAutor-a
Grupo de investigación
Hezkuntza berrikuntzaInnovación educativa
Gizarte zientziak, erronkak eta arrakalak
Ciencias sociales, retos y brechas
Otras instituciones
UiT The Arctic University of NorwayUiT The Arctic University of Norway
Universidad Nebrija
Universidad Nebrija
Version publicada
© 2024 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, SwitzerlandAcceso
Acceso abiertoVersión del editor
https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci14030229Publicado en
Education Sciences Editor
MDPIPalabras clave
Executive functions
Reading skills
Cognitive training
Working memory ... [+]
Reading skills
Cognitive training
Working memory ... [+]
Executive functions
Reading skills
Cognitive training
Working memory
Inhibitory control [-]
Reading skills
Cognitive training
Working memory
Inhibitory control [-]
The scientific evidence regarding the possibility of transferring benefits derived from
cognitive training focused on working memory and inhibitory control to reading skills in children
aged 6 to 12 ... [+]
The scientific evidence regarding the possibility of transferring benefits derived from
cognitive training focused on working memory and inhibitory control to reading skills in children
aged 6 to 12 is inconclusive. This study carries out a systematic review of recent published studies
on this topic with the aim of analysing the specific role of various cognitive stimulation programs
in the growth of executive functions and reading performance in children from ages 6 to 12. Here,
we present the main results reported in the most recent literature, where the impact of intervention
programs on working memory and inhibitory control in children with typical development are
analysed. Even though the effectiveness of executive function training programs in terms of close
transfer is conspicuous, there is still a lack of convergence in recently published articles, especially
regarding the effects of far transfer in reading comprehension after cognitive stimulation programs
are applied. [-]
Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónID Proyecto
- Artículos - Educación [106]
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