Improving Programming Learning in Engineering Students Through Discovery LearningVersion
© 2023 IEEEAccess
Open accessPublisher’s version
https://doi.org/10.1109/RITA.2023.3301409Published at
Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje Vol. 18. N. 3. Pp. 239-249Publisher
knowledge-based engineering
ODS 4 Educación de calidad
Programming profession
Internet ... [+]
ODS 4 Educación de calidad
Programming profession
Internet ... [+]
knowledge-based engineering
ODS 4 Educación de calidad
Programming profession
Computers [-]
ODS 4 Educación de calidad
Programming profession
Computers [-]
Programming is basic to all engineering studies and a complicated subject for many first-year students. Many of the problems stem from the difficulty students have in finding the solution they need on ... [+]
Programming is basic to all engineering studies and a complicated subject for many first-year students. Many of the problems stem from the difficulty students have in finding the solution they need on the Internet, which makes students more dependent on the lecturer. Add to this the need for students to use new technologies in the classroom and the rapid digitization caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of the Discovery Learning through WebQuests instructional model is of great help to students. For this subject, students are required to learn C programming using Visual Studio. The results show that WebQuests have contributed to improve academic results and skills such as teamwork, motivation and imagination to solve the problems posed. Students find themselves able to think of appropriate solutions, sometimes more than one solution, and carry them out. In addition, students conclude that the WebQuests have helped them to use their imagination, generate creative ideas and increase their ability to put what they have learned into practice. [-]
Eusko Jaurlaritza = Gobierno VascoProgram
Ikertalde Convocatoria 2022-2023Number
IT1519-22Award URI
Sin informaciónProject
Ingeniería de Software y SistemasCollections
- Articles - Engineering [700]