Modular Battery Systems’ Accessible Energy AnalysisVersión
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Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI’22) Lleida 6-8 julio, 2022Palabras clave
ODS 7 Energía asequible y no contaminante
ODS 9 Industria, innovación e infraestructura
Modular battery
Accessible energy ... [+]
ODS 9 Industria, innovación e infraestructura
Modular battery
Accessible energy ... [+]
ODS 7 Energía asequible y no contaminante
ODS 9 Industria, innovación e infraestructura
Modular battery
Accessible energy
SoC balancing
Battery energy storage
Reconfigurable battery [-]
ODS 9 Industria, innovación e infraestructura
Modular battery
Accessible energy
SoC balancing
Battery energy storage
Reconfigurable battery [-]
One of the main concerns regarding traditional battery energy storage systems (BESS) is how to solve issues related to cell inhomogeneities. This problem commonly ends up reducing the accessible energ ... [+]
One of the main concerns regarding traditional battery energy storage systems (BESS) is how to solve issues related to cell inhomogeneities. This problem commonly ends up reducing the accessible energy level, especially in medium and big-size battery applications. In these designs a small percentage of unused energy means not only a higher initial investment, but also bigger size and weight. In order to solve these energy limitation drawbacks, reconfigurable battery solutions together with modular battery-packs are proposed in the literature. That said, the goal of this article is to present a comparison focused on the accessible energy of different battery system architectures (traditional and modular). For this aim, five BESS topologies are studied each one with its corresponding mathematical model and numerical analysis. [-]
- Congresos - Ingeniería [398]