An Improved Explicit Reference Modeling Methodology for Parametric DesignOther institutions
Purdue UniversityUniversitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
© 2023 ElsevierAccess
Open accessPublisher’s version
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cad.2023.103541Published at
Computer Aided Design Vol. 161. N. art. 103541Publisher
CAD reusabilityParametric modeling methodologies
Design intent
CAD quality
The use of formal methodologies for parametric modeling has been shown to significantly improve the robustness and reusability of feature-based CAD models, particularly in response to changes, which h ... [+]
The use of formal methodologies for parametric modeling has been shown to significantly improve the robustness and reusability of feature-based CAD models, particularly in response to changes, which has implications in the entire product development process. One of these methodologies, explicit reference modeling, has been proven particularly effective in design scenarios involving complex geometry. However, certain design situations may lead to different interpretations of the methodology and the possibility of drastically different modeling alternatives at certain points in the process, some of which can become inefficient and hinder reusability. In this paper, we analyze the explicit reference modeling methodology through the lens of CAD quality and identify the key aspects that may lead to underperformance. We propose a new improved version of the methodology that maximizes model robustness and flexibility, while reducing regeneration time and intrinsic variability. Five modeling aspects are considered: the internal structure of functional geometries, subtractions, combination operations, replication features, and localized modifications. We validate our proposal through an empirical study in which 96 modeling paths for a parametric model were analyzed. [-]
- Articles - Engineering [700]