Numerical analysis of AISI 321 alloy material parameters on rubber pad diaphragm formingOtras instituciones
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https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/1238/1/012005Publicado en
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 1238. N. artículo 012005Editor
IOP PublishingResumen
Rubber pad diaphragm forming is a technology that uses a rigid die in conjunction with a flexible polyurethane tool and fluid pressure action in order to shape metal sheets. In this process, the actio ... [+]
Rubber pad diaphragm forming is a technology that uses a rigid die in conjunction with a flexible polyurethane tool and fluid pressure action in order to shape metal sheets. In this process, the action of the fluid forms a polyurethane tool, which forces the sheet to acquire the geometry of the die, being this process quite different from the classical stamping processes. The rubber tool is compatible with different die geometries, which allows a quick reconfiguration of the system, making it adequate for the production of small batches in the aeronautical sector. In this study, an advanced numerical model of the process is developed, in order to obtain a simulation that allows comprehensive understanding of the technology. An advanced characterization of the AISI 321 stainless steel is carried out, evaluating different yielding criteria. On the other side, the hyperelastic behaviour of the polyurethane rubber is taken into account. The main goal of the study has been to perform a sensitivity analysis of the sheet material parameters and to understand their influence on the final numerical results. [-]
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