Novel Analytical Method for Estimating the Junction-to-Top Thermal Resistance of Power MOSFETsEgilea (beste erakunde batekoa)
Beste instituzio
Universidad de ZaragozaBertsioa
© 2022 IEEESarbidea
Sarbide bahituaIdentifikadorea
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9907145Non argitaratua
24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe) Hanover, 5-9 septiembre, 2022Argitaratzailea
Semiconductor device modeling
Temperature sensors
Thermal resistance
Surface resistance ... [+]
Temperature sensors
Thermal resistance
Surface resistance ... [+]
Semiconductor device modeling
Temperature sensors
Thermal resistance
Surface resistance
surface roughness
Thermal analysis
Rough surfaces [-]
Temperature sensors
Thermal resistance
Surface resistance
surface roughness
Thermal analysis
Rough surfaces [-]
This papers proposes a new methodology for estimating the thermal resistance from the junction-to-top capsule surface. By placing the transistor in a vertical position, without being soldered to any P ... [+]
This papers proposes a new methodology for estimating the thermal resistance from the junction-to-top capsule surface. By placing the transistor in a vertical position, without being soldered to any PCB, and sensing the dissipated power and the temperatures of the device, it is possible to characterize the internal thermal resistance. [-]