Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer DWPT Time Domain model: xyz position and speed coupling effectIkerketa taldea
Almacenamiento de energíaSistemas electrónicos de potencia aplicados al control de la energía eléctrica
Beste instituzio
Universidad de ZaragozaBertsioa
© 2022 IEEESarbidea
Sarbide bahituaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9907418Non argitaratua
2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe) Hanover, 5-9 septiembre, 2022Argitaratzailea
Analytical models
Solid modeling
Three-dimensional displays ... [+]
Analytical models
Solid modeling
Three-dimensional displays ... [+]
Analytical models
Solid modeling
Three-dimensional displays
Wireless power transfer
Behavioral sciences [-]
Analytical models
Solid modeling
Three-dimensional displays
Wireless power transfer
Behavioral sciences [-]
The paper presents a DWPT system time domain model which considers speed and position (x, y, z) coupling effects. The speed effect compared to static WPT, presents an active behavior that should be co ... [+]
The paper presents a DWPT system time domain model which considers speed and position (x, y, z) coupling effects. The speed effect compared to static WPT, presents an active behavior that should be considered during the coil design stage. The model is generalized and validated for resonant WPT systems and dynamic speed influenced DWPT systems. [-]