Higher harmonics compensation in grid-connected PWM converters for renewable energy interface and active filteringAutor-a
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Warsaw University of TechnologyVersión
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© 2011 Przegląd ElektrotechnicznyAcceso
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http://pe.org.pl/abstract_pl.php?nid=4911&lang=1Publicado en
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny R. 87. Nr 6, 2011Editor
Przegląd ElektrotechnicznyPalabras clave
grid-connected converter
harmonic distortion
harmonic compensation
power quality ... [+]
harmonic distortion
harmonic compensation
power quality ... [+]
grid-connected converter
harmonic distortion
harmonic compensation
power quality
active filters [-]
harmonic distortion
harmonic compensation
power quality
active filters [-]
The paper presents overview of high-order harmonics compensation methods applied for control of grid-connected converter. Two harmonic compensation methods are presented. One based on band-pass filers ... [+]
The paper presents overview of high-order harmonics compensation methods applied for control of grid-connected converter. Two harmonic compensation methods are presented. One based on band-pass filers cooperating with Direct Power Control with Space Vector Modulation (DPC-SVM) is dedicated for renewable energy interface. Second method based on resonant controllers applied in Voltage Oriented Control (VOC) adds an active filtering function to PWM rectifier. Simulation and preliminary experimental results for these two methods are presented. [-]
- Artículos - Ingeniería [700]
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