Thermodiffusion Coefficients of Water/Ethanol Mixtures for Low Water Mass FractionsBeste instituzio
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)Bertsioa
Berrikusten dagoen preprinta
© 2016 Springer Science Business Media DordrechtSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12217-016-9508-7Non argitaratua
Microgravity Science and Technology Vol. 28. Nº. 5. Pp 553–557. October, 2016Lehenengo orria
553Azken orria
Binary mixtures
Soret effect
Thermophysical properties ... [+]
Binary mixtures
Soret effect
Thermophysical properties ... [+]
Binary mixtures
Soret effect
Thermophysical properties
Thermogravitational column [-]
Binary mixtures
Soret effect
Thermophysical properties
Thermogravitational column [-]
The difficulty of measuring the thermodiffusion coefficients by optical properties of water-ethanol binary mixtures of approximately 20 wt % of water has been highlighted by several authors in recent ... [+]
The difficulty of measuring the thermodiffusion coefficients by optical properties of water-ethanol binary mixtures of approximately 20 wt % of water has been highlighted by several authors in recent years. This is because the concentration derivative of the refractive index (∂ n/∂ c) p,T is near zero at this concentration. For this reason, we measured the thermodiffusion coefficients by means of density analysis using the thermogravitational column technique from 5 wt % to 50 wt % at 25∘C. In addition, we measured the thermophysical properties such as density, dynamic viscosity, thermal expansion and mass expansion. [-]