Module-Level Modelling Approach for a Cloudbased Digital Twin Platform for Li-Ion BatteriesEgilea (beste erakunde batekoa)
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IkerlanCegasa Energia S.L.U.
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https://doi.org/10.1109/VPPC53923.2021.9699271Non argitaratua
2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC) Argitaratzailea
digital twinCloud computing
Battery models
State of Charge
The pursue of the new increasingly intelligent, and heavier state estimation algorithms requires a significant amount of data and computing power, which may challenge their deployment in current BMS s ... [+]
The pursue of the new increasingly intelligent, and heavier state estimation algorithms requires a significant amount of data and computing power, which may challenge their deployment in current BMS solutions. To address that issue, this paper proposes a cloud-based Digital Twin Platform to extend computing power and data storage capacity. This tool aims to contain the integration of models to analyse thermoelectricand ageing aspects of a LIB, based on experimental operation data by comparative analysis. Based on well-known cell-level modelling techniques, a module-level modelling approach is proposed and an experimental validation platform is suggested. [-]