Ikusi/ Ireki
An Innovative Energy Harvesting Shock Absorber System for MotorbikesBeste instituzio
Universidad NebrijaBertsioa
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https://doi.org/10.1109/TMECH.2021.3109383Non argitaratua
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Early Access, 2022Argitaratzailea
This article presents an innovative energy recovery shock absorber system for motorcycles. The shock absorber is named synchronous pulley - energy harvesting shock absorber (SP-EHSA). The SP-EHSA is t ... [+]
This article presents an innovative energy recovery shock absorber system for motorcycles. The shock absorber is named synchronous pulley - energy harvesting shock absorber (SP-EHSA). The SP-EHSA is the first system specifically designed to maximize the energy recovery of motorcycles without compromising their dynamic behavior. Throughout the article, the theoretical design, computer modeling, optimization, design, and testing of the system are presented. The article results in a validated computer model of the SP-EHSA shock absorber. The validation is done by manufacturing and testing a physical prototype on a test bench. A study of the energy recovery potential for different road profiles at speeds between 20 and 100 km/h was carried out, obtaining in a typical type B road at 60 km/h an estimated 19.68 W average power. Finally, the effect of energy management (i.e., battery's state of charge) on the dynamic behavior of the vehicle is analyzed. [-]