Evolution of Surface Roughness in Grinding and its Relationship with the Dressing Parameters and the Radial WearAuthor (from another institution)
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© 2013 The AuthorsAccess
Open accessPublisher’s version
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2013.08.181Published at
Procedia Engineering Vol. 63. Pp. 174-182. Elsevier, 2013Publisher
GrindingSurface Roughnes
Grinding is a machining process specially indicated for finishing operations in hard materials, in order to obtain low surface roughness (Ra 0.1 μm to 2μm) and tight tolerances. The cutting tool is th ... [+]
Grinding is a machining process specially indicated for finishing operations in hard materials, in order to obtain low surface roughness (Ra 0.1 μm to 2μm) and tight tolerances. The cutting tool is the grinding wheel which is formed by abrasive particles attached in a bond. The wear of these abrasive particles modifies significantly the roughness obtained in the workpiece. In this work, the evolution of part roughness has been continuously monitored as the grinding process progresses and the wheel gets worn. The roughness evolution is then related to different process variables such as the dressing parameters, the grinding conditions, the grinding forces and the radial wear of the wheel. [-]
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