Influence of tool wear on residual stresses when turning Inconel 718Autor-a
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© 2016 The AuthorsAcceso
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2016.02.359Publicado en
Procedia CIRP Vol. 45. Pp. 267–270, 2016Editor
ElsevierPalabras clave
Residual StressTurning
This paper analyzes the effect of tool wear on residual stresses when turning. Inconel 718 discs were machined for prolonged periods at several cutting speeds, feed-rates and depth of cut. Tests were ... [+]
This paper analyzes the effect of tool wear on residual stresses when turning. Inconel 718 discs were machined for prolonged periods at several cutting speeds, feed-rates and depth of cut. Tests were interrupted to measure and relate tool wear with the subsequent residual stress measurements. The discussion of experimental results is supported by orthogonal cutting simulations. It was found a critical tool wear where tensile surface residual stresses were maximum, decreasing for lower and higher values of tool wear. Nevertheless, it was observed that the compressive residual stress layer increased with increasing tool wear. [-]
Gobierno Vasco-Eusko JaurlaritzaID Proyecto
info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/GV/ETORTEK 2014/IE14-396/CAPV/Investigación en tecnologías de fabricación avanzada en líneas estratégicas para la industria de Euskadi/ESTRATEUSColecciones
- Congresos - Ingeniería [398]
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