Effect of heat Treatment Conditions on the Machinability of Ti64 and Ti54 M AlloysOtras instituciones
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, PilaniVersión
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© 2012 The AuthorsAcceso
Acceso abiertoVersión del editor
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2012.04.085Publicado en
Procedia CIRP Vol. 1. Pp 477-482, 2012Editor
ElsevierPalabras clave
Titanium alloys
Heat treatment
Cutting forces ... [+]
Heat treatment
Cutting forces ... [+]
Titanium alloys
Heat treatment
Cutting forces
Chips [-]
Heat treatment
Cutting forces
Chips [-]
Orthogonal tests on cylindrical workpieces were carried out to analyze the effect of heat treatment on the machinability of newly developed Ti54M titanium alloy in comparison with Ti64. This paper foc ... [+]
Orthogonal tests on cylindrical workpieces were carried out to analyze the effect of heat treatment on the machinability of newly developed Ti54M titanium alloy in comparison with Ti64. This paper focuses on the comparison of forces and temperature of the tool during dry orthogonal cuttings of Ti64 and three different heat treated Ti54M alloys. Forces and temperature are mainly affected by variation in cutting speed and feed, therefore, the depth of cut is maintained constant while cutting speed and feed are varied. Forces and temperature have been measured and chips are analyzed to establish a direct relationship between machinability and the different heat treatment conditions. [-]
- Congresos - Ingeniería [398]
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