Ikusi/ Ireki
The Neverending Story: Memory Corruption 30 Years LaterEgilea
Beste instituzio
Universidad de DeustoBertsioa
Berrikusten dagoen preprinta
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022Sarbidea
Sarbide bahituaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
Memory errors have been present in software for more than three decades now, leading to numerous security issues. Low-level languages like C and C++ that are prone to this class of errors are in wides ... [+]
Memory errors have been present in software for more than three decades now, leading to numerous security issues. Low-level languages like C and C++ that are prone to this class of errors are in widespread use, meaning that a large number of current systems are susceptible to attacks that target memory corruption vulnerabilities. Therefore, hardening programs and protecting against this type of attacks is of the utmost importance to build secure systems. This paper explains the basis of memory errors and their characteristics, analyzes the huge research effort that has been carried out in relation to memory error detection, exploitation and attack prevention, and depicts the most relevant approaches in this area. [-]