Disposition toward critical thinking and creative confidence beliefs in higher education students: The mediating role of openness to diversity and challengeAuthor (from another institution)
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Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)Version
Published version
© 2022 The AuthorsAccess
Open accessPublisher’s version
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2022.101003Published at
Thinking Skills and Creativity Vol. 43, article 101003Publisher
Elsevier LtdKeywords
Creative self-conceptCreative confidence beliefs
Critical thinking disposition
Openness to diversity and challenge
Creative thinking and critical thinking are complementary cognitive processes that are important
for dealing with complex challenges. The primary aim of this study was to examine the mediating
role ... [+]
Creative thinking and critical thinking are complementary cognitive processes that are important
for dealing with complex challenges. The primary aim of this study was to examine the mediating
role of openness to diversity and challenge in the relationship between disposition toward critical
thinking and creative confidence beliefs in higher education students. Participants were 1,627
students from two universities in Spain (Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Florida Universit`aria),
ranging in age from 17 to 44 years (Mage = 20.35, SD = 2.62; 53.05% female). Results showed not
only a direct, positive relationship between critical thinking disposition and students’ creative
confidence beliefs but also that this relationship was mediated by openness to diversity and
challenge. Thus, those students more disposed toward critical thinking are also more open to
diversity and challenge and have a stronger creative self-concept. These results highlight the
importance of enhancing students’ disposition to use critical thinking so as to strengthen their
creative self-concept. Higher education institutions also need to develop teaching strategies and
contexts that promote students’ openness to diversity and challenge as a step towards their
becoming active and responsible citizens. [-]
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- Articles - Education [106]
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