Unified Evaluation Framework for Stochastic Algorithms Applied to Remaining Useful Life Prognosis ProblemsAuthor
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Centro de Tecnologías Electroquímcas (CIDETEC)Version
Published version
© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPIAccess
Open accessPublisher’s version
https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries7020035Published at
Batteries Vol. 7. N. 2, 2021Publisher
stochastic algorithm
particle filter
evaluation metric ... [+]
stochastic algorithm
particle filter
evaluation metric ... [+]
stochastic algorithm
particle filter
evaluation metric
uncertainty propagation [-]
stochastic algorithm
particle filter
evaluation metric
uncertainty propagation [-]
A unified evaluation framework for stochastic tools is developed in this paper. Firstly, we provide a set of already existing quantitative and qualitative metrics that rate the relevant aspects of the ... [+]
A unified evaluation framework for stochastic tools is developed in this paper. Firstly, we provide a set of already existing quantitative and qualitative metrics that rate the relevant aspects of the performance of a stochastic prognosis algorithm. Secondly, we provide innovative guidelines to detect and minimize the effect of side aspects that interact on the algorithms’ performance. Those aspects are related with the input uncertainty (the uncertainty on the data and the prior knowledge), the parametrization method and the uncertainty propagation method. The proposed evaluation framework is contextualized on a Lithium-ion battery Remaining Useful Life prognosis problem. As an example, a Particle Filter is evaluated. On this example, two different data sets taken from NCA aged batteries and two semi-empirical aging models available in the literature fed up the Particle Filter under evaluation. The obtained results show that the proposed framework gives enough details to take decisions about the viability of the chosen algorithm. [-]
- Articles - Engineering [700]
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